Europe warns of West Nile virus spread

Europe warns of West Nile virus spreadIn a report published this week, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said there were 709 human cases of local viral infection reported in the 2023 season, across 126 regions across nine EU countries. Of these regions, 22 were reported as outbreaks for the first time. This means that the number of affected regions has increased by 31% compared to 2022, “indicating the widespread spread of the virus.”

Among the regions identified for the first time as hotspots of infection Barcelona figure, after we learned in late September that a 76-year-old woman was admitted to the intensive care unit. In the Spanish state, cases were also first detected in Valencia, Caceres, Huelva and Toledo. The nine EU countries affected are Italy (336 cases), Greece (162), Romania (103), France (43), Hungary (29), Spain (19), Germany (6), Croatia (6) and Cyprus. 5). In addition, two EU candidate countries reported 93 locally acquired cases: Serbia (91) and North Macedonia (2). They also reported one case linked to travel to each of the German and Montenegro hotspots.

Distribution of human infections caused by West Nile virus in the European Union in 2023 / ECDC

As of January 4 this year, there were 728 human cases of West Nile virus infection, of which 709 were locally acquired and 19 were travel-related. In addition, 67 deaths were recorded in the 2023 season: 29 in Italy, 23 in Greece, 12 in Romania and 3 in Spain. Based on these data, ECDC assured that this season has been a landmark one. highest number of locally transmitted cases reported, after peaks in 2018 and 2022. It must be said that the earliest date recorded among locally acquired cases was May 30, 2023 (in Italy), while the latest date of onset of the disease was May 5, 2023 (also in Italy). ). In any case, the majority of cases (96%) began between July and September.

Animal data are collected through the European Commission’s Animal Disease Information System (ADIS). In 2023, seven community countries reported 153 outbreaks in horses: France (44), Spain (38), Hungary (26), Italy (25), Germany (14), Portugal (5) and Austria (1). In addition, eight EU countries reported 251 outbreaks in birds: Italy (200), Germany (19), Spain (19), Bulgaria (6), Hungary (3), France (2), Austria (1) and Greece ( 1). ). With the exception of Portugal, Austria and Bulgaria, all countries reporting animal outbreaks also reported locally acquired West Nile virus infections in 2023.. Compared to 2022, 2023 saw 51% more outbreaks among horses and 22% fewer among birds.

Symptoms of West Nile fever

The first case of West Nile virus infection in a Spanish state was detected in 2004 in a person who spent a holiday in the province of Badajoz. Over the next fifteen years, not a single case of the disease was identified in humans, but the situation changed in 2020, when large outbreak in the provinces of Seville, Cadiz and Badajoz: 77 serious cases and eight deaths, in addition to cases with neurological consequences. The following year, Reus recorded the first two cases in humans.

According to the Department of Health, West Nile virus infection does not cause symptoms in 80% of cases. For the remaining 20% ​​this may cause heat and one of the following symptoms: myalgia (Muscle pain) arthralgia (joint pain), headache (headache), fatigue And photophobia (mild intolerance), as well as lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) and maculopapular rash (Skin rash). Most cases are mild, and only 1% of severe cases have neurological impairment (meningitis, encephalitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or flaccid paralysis). The majority of sick people are over fifty years of age. At this stage, treatment is based on symptom control because there are no medications that kill the virus.

West Nile virus transmission

The main route of transmission of the virus is the bite of infected mosquitoes, mainly of the genus CulexHe Culex pipiens (common mosquito) is widespread in Catalonia.—. It can also occur with organ transplants or blood transfusions from infected patients.

To prevent transmission it is important prevent mosquito bites Wear clothing that covers most of the body, use repellents, and avoid unnecessary outdoor exposure during periods of peak mosquito activity (early morning to sunset). It is also important that blood banks exclude donors for up to 28 days after leaving the area where a person’s case is detected, unless infection has been ruled out using an individual viral detection test.

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