European Parliament calls for permanent ceasefire in Gaza

The European Parliament has for the first time called for a “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza and the launch of political efforts to find a solution to the war between Israel and Hamas.


The proposal, which is purely symbolic and has no legal significance, was approved at the Strasbourg plenary session on Thursday. 312 votes in favor, 131 votes against and 72 votes were absent.After reaching an agreement to satisfy the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP).

represents a ceasefire request A significant change in the previous position of Parliament, agreed in October, called for a humanitarian “pause” to speed up the flow of aid reaching Gaza civilians. The vote was approved, with 500 votes in favor, 21 against and 24 abstentions.

This call occurs when According to the Hamas health ministry, the death toll in Gaza exceeds 24,000.

While center and left groups in the chamber openly supported the call for a ceasefire, members of the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), which has a majority in the chamber, He had expressed his objection.

The resolution was passed after the approval of an amendment specifying that the ceasefire should be conditional on the release of all hostages held in Gaza and the “destroyment” of Hamas, the EU-designated terrorist organization.

Antonio López-Istúriz, an MEP from the EPP group, declared in the European Parliament, “Lasting peace cannot exist as long as Hamas and other terrorist groups no longer seize the Palestinian cause and threaten the existence of Israel, the region’s only democracy.” Could be.” Tuesday

he introduced himself different versions of the text Before voting, it reflects the different viewpoints in the House.

Belgian MEP Hilde Wattmans for Renew Europe urged the chamber to find unity after hours of talks. Before the vote, Watmans said this The EU’s “international credibility” was at stake.

27 leaders of the block are still They have not unanimously agreed to call for a ceasefireDespite requests from countries like Belgium, Ireland and Spain. So far, its official line focuses on “humanitarian breaks and corridors”.

A summit in December ended without new conclusions on Gaza, even though most member states had supported a UN General Council resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire a few days earlier.

(TagstoTranslate)EU foreign policy(T)Gaza Strip(T)War Israel Hamas

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