Everest collapse | A cornice on Everest collapses due to too many climbers

massification of Everest already crosses all known limits and begins to provoke on its own Deaths of climbers. A mountain peak collapsed this Tuesday due to the excess of climbers, according to videos recorded by some of them.

This year’s season is about to end and photos of the roof of the world being turned into a place of pilgrimage are appearing on the network. The consequences are becoming increasingly serious.

Two Mongolian climbers disappeared on May 13 when they were near the summit, specifically at an altitude of 7,900 meters, and their lifeless bodies were found shortly afterwards. A few days later another climber, a Kenyan national and his Sherpa, died after climbing without artificial oxygen.

Fall on the ‘Hillary Steps’

In addition, a British climber and his guide who climbed Everest last Tuesday, the 21st, also went missing. This was the exact day when this incident occurred. crumbling ice edge At the so-called ‘Hillary Step’, the last major obstacle before the summit, the collapse was due to the excessive weight it was supporting. In this video you can see the moments just before and after the collapse, and the desperate situation of the climbers afterwards.

This collapse affected the line of climbers who were on the summit at the time, including the last two mentioned. However, according to eyewitnesses, an even greater tragedy could have occurred.

As Vinayak Malla, a mountain guide, explained on Instagram, “As soon as the cornice collapsed, Four climbers almost diedBut they were rescued by cutting the rope. Unfortunately, two climbers are still missing. We tried to cross that area, but it was impossible because of the number of people on the landline. Many climbers were trapped and were running out of oxygen. “I was able to open a new route to descend and move slowly again.”

the problem of Overcrowding on Everest This was evident in 2019, with long queues already forming, although the record appears to have been set in 2012, when 260 climbers tried to reach the summit in a single day.

About this Since last April, 500 foreign and Nepali climbers have reached the summit of Everest. When the climbing season begins and lasts until early June.

In the spring, when temperatures are mild and winds are generally less intense, hundreds of climbers flock to Nepal with the goal of reaching the Roof of the World or one of the world’s other highest peaks.


Contact of the Environment Section: Crisisclimatica@prensaiberica.es

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