Excitement over opening of budget store in Zaragoza with queues up to 90 minutes

A hundred people waited patiently in line to be the first to enter the new store. budget

Excitement over opening of budget store in Zaragoza with queues up to 90 minutes
Queues to enter the new Pepco store in Zaragoza

It was not just any morning on the busy street of Andres Vicente. from Zaragoza. Opening of a new institution shortexpensesliterally has made a revolution out into the street at one o’clock in the morning.

Up to 100 people lined up an hour and a half before opening to open the new establishment. sixth Polish brand in the city. “This is a new place.”Pepko Plus“, which has all kinds of textile pharmacy and food products.

It opened at 10:00 a.m. and an hour and a half before that, and there were people waiting to get in. to the new store of the brand. Claims, suggestions, and also vouchers for the first customers who entered the establishment. Some vouchers from 5 to 100 euros.and which were distributed to the first people in the strict order of their arrival and which could be consumed in the same store in the morning or in the next few days.

Interior of the new Pepco store in Zaragoza

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The first customers received a voucher that can be spent in the store

He stir it was such that both the transporters and other people passing by on the streetthey don’t have I couldn’t bring myself to stop and write it down moment. Even some neighbors, including those sleeping, woke up from the noise. Of course, no complaints, quite the opposite, as they attract more customers. Nearby terraces and neighbors in groups commented on the fun and the queue. “This is crazy. Don’t people have anything better to do?— said the neighbor from the upper block.

TO come That openinga local worker was responsible for give past, one after anotherto all People those who stood in line and were entitled to receive the above-mentioned voucher.

As if bingo the talk was about handing out the singing of the voucher value. Until “thick“, He costs 100 euros. for shouting “tongo” (as a joke)from the rest of the people standing in line.

Already inside belonging local, calm was general tone of the day. A lot People they have bought some articles, but also other they just gossiped What does the new store offer?

«Very modern and bright.there are some stock interesting“changing rooms, a very large personal hygiene area and a children’s area,” emphasized a neighbor from Valdefierro.

offers The most striking items were shower gels and toilet paper for 1 euro, T-shirts for 3 euro, cans of Coca-Cola for 0.67 euro or children’s clothing for 2.50 euro.

Among them, residents of the surrounding area stood out, but residents of the Las Delicias area were also attracted Pepco’s first opening in the countyHowever, the brand has quite a lot of “fans” throughout the city, and quite a few people also come from other parts of the Aragonese capital.

Thus, he has opened a new brand of products at low prices in a city that usually has a lot of demand from consumers in the current inflationary environment. In fact, in this same roadalready there are other establishments looks like Primaprix And Zeeman with great success. Andrés Vicente’s commercial offer is complemented by, among other things, several supermarkets, markets, pharmacies and clothing stores.

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