Expert warns about the amount of strawberries you can eat per day

strawberry It is one of the most popular fruits on the market due to its taste and the fact that it is a good substitute for something sweet. Some people find strawberries so addictive that they can eat large quantities per day. something that is not highly recommended.

According to an article on the health website MedicineNo prepared by Dr. Karthik Kumar, experts agreed that The number of strawberries eaten per day should not exceed eight pieces.if they are of standard size. However, the author points out that other experts recommend taking only four per day or, if very few, six at each meal.

Kumar remembers this It is recommended to eat 200 grams of fruit every day. but ideally they should be varied.

As long as you don’t overeat, strawberries have many health benefits. They are a fruit packed with antioxidants and rich in fibertherefore they have a positive effect on good digestion.

In addition, also They contain vitamin C, which is essential for collagen they also help keep your skin healthy and youthful. Vitamin C also helps prevent macular degeneration, making it important for maintaining eye health and good vision.

Studies have also been published in which They link strawberry consumption to improved cardiovascular health. because they help maintain low blood pressure and also help lower cholesterol levels.

However, there are people with specific ailments and pathologies who should limit their consumption of this fruit. As the above-mentioned specialized website explains, People with digestive diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and kidney failure should be careful.

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