Extremadura updates its vaccination calendar with new vaccines against three types of pathologies

Vaccination schedule Extremadura It was updated in the middle of this month with the introduction of new doses of vaccines for certain infections and a review of the protocols to be followed for different age groups. This was published on May 15 in the magazine Official Gazette of Extremadura. The text details substitutions for specific doses. “under the protection of established recommendations and due to the development of scientific data and the epidemiological situation”.

In this sense, replaced by serotype 13 conjugate vaccine. against Pneumococcus for 20 serotypes at the age of 65 years and in persons over 18 years of age belonging to risk groups. When meningococcus CThe monovalent vaccine is replaced by a quadrivalent one at the ages of 4 and 12 months in accordance with “modern scientific data”. This indicates that the greatest burden of invasive meningococcal disease occurs in children under one year of age across serogroups W and Y.

The vaccination schedule involves administration in three specific stages: throughout life, in minors and adolescents under 18 years of age, and in adults with at-risk conditions.

The 13-serotype conjugate vaccine is also replaced by another with more serotypes after 2 and 4 months or after 2, 4 and 6 months, depending on the vaccine product available. Finally, regarding Herpes zosterThe vaccination recommendations approved in March 2021 by the Public Health Commission are being implemented, which include systematic vaccination against herpes zoster for the 1944 birth cohort.

Regarding population groups, This new immunization schedule applies to three specific: one for vaccines that are administered throughout life; the other is for minors and adolescents under 18 years of age with risk conditions. And lastly: immunization of adults with at-risk conditions.

These new calendars apply to all public and private health centers and services located in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

Full vaccination schedule

The text of the regional executive act states that the decisions made will affect ten different types of pathologies. When polioThe combination vaccine is recommended for minors at 2, 4 and 11 months from 6 years of age.

For diphtheria, tetanus and whooping coughDuring the prenatal period, a dose of diphtheria drug will be given in each pregnancy, starting at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Preferably between 27 and 28 weeks; It is emphasized that at 2, 4 and 11 months the vaccine is administered on time; For 6-year-old children, the dose will apply to those who have already been vaccinated at 2, 4 and 11 months.

And in adults, previous vaccination status must be confirmed before starting or completing the primary vaccination schedule. At age 65 and older, one dose of whooping cough will be given to those who received five during childhood and adolescence.

For hepatitis BIt is expected that the vaccination schedule will be similar to the previous one, except that high coverage of pregnant women with prenatal screening will be ensured. For serotype-positive and unvaccinated mothers, the schedule will be 0, 2, 4 and 11 months. This dose is administered in the first 24 hours of life along with anti-HB immunoglobulin. Adolescents, young adults and people under 18 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated will receive three doses on a schedule of 0, 1 and 6 months.

When MMR (measles, rubella and mumps)the text states that people without documented vaccination who were born in Spain since 1970 will be vaccinated. This vaccine will be contraindicated in pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.

The text of the regional executive act states that the decisions made will affect ten different types of pathologies.

meningococcal infection reflects a vaccination schedule similar to that of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, or hepatitis B in early life. In this case, specify that after 4 months it will be important “enter on time”; A dose is required at age 12 for those who have not received a previous dose after age 10. And between the ages of 12 and 18 years, it is advisable to recruit and vaccinate unvaccinated adolescents before they reach adulthood.

chicken pox This is another infection that will be vaccinated against. For adolescents not previously vaccinated, doses will be given separately with at least 4 weeks between doses or until completion of the regimen if previously received. As for adults, it must be determined serologically in people without signs of immunity. If it is negative, the administration is repeated at the same interval. These doses are also contraindicated in pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems.

For human papilloma virusVaccination will be given at age 12 in two doses for boys and girls, at least six months apart. Between the ages of 12 and 18, unimmunized or partially immunized women under 18 years of age and men born after January 1, 2011 will be vaccinated. The schedule will be 0.6 months.

These new calendars apply to all public and private health centers and services located in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

There are indications for other pathologies, such as pneumococcal infection: in this case, the primary vaccination series is carried out at the age of 2 and 4 months or at 2, 4 and 6 months, depending on the available vaccine preparation. Also recommended for people over 65 years of age. A similar case occurs with herpes zoster, the indication for which is to immunize the population over 65 years of age, as well as those over 80 years of age, with two doses separated by a minimum interval of 8 weeks.

Referring to fluPrenatally, pregnant women will be vaccinated in any trimester of pregnancy. In childhood (6 to 59 months), one dose during influenza season; and in older people, also a single dose during the annual campaign for people over 60 years of age.

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