Extremadura updates vaccination schedule to include quadrivalent vaccine

The Government of Extremadura has updated the vaccination schedule provided by the Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, which includes the quadrivalent vaccination of infants against meningitis.

The resolution of the Ministry of Health updates, in particular, a unified schedule of vaccinations and vaccinations throughout life, a specific schedule of vaccinations and vaccinations for minors and adolescents (

The health commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System approved the same three vaccination calendars on February 6 of this year at an extraordinary meeting. There, in accordance with established recommendations and due to the development of scientific data and the epidemiological situation, the General Directorate of Public Health considers it necessary to take a number of measures.

Replacement of the 13-serotype conjugate vaccine against pneumococcus with a 20-serotype conjugate vaccine in people aged 65 years and over 18 years of age belonging to risk groups, as well as replacement of the monovalent vaccine against meningococcus C with a quadrivalent vaccine against meningococcus (A, C, W and Y) at 4 and 12 months of age, consistent with current scientific evidence indicating that the burden of invasive meningococcal disease is concentrated in children under one year of age by serogroups W and Y.

The replacement of the 13-serotype conjugate vaccine against pneumococcus with a conjugate vaccine with a large number of serotypes for 2 and 4 months or 2, 4 and 6 months, depending on the available vaccine preparation, has also been determined.

And in accordance with the recommendations for vaccination against herpes zoster, approved by the Public Health Commission on March 25, 2021, systematic vaccination against herpes zoster is included for the 1944 birth cohort.

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