Fact check: 11 lies spread by Trump and Biden during the presidential debate | USA Elections

in the era of Fake news, It has been seen that The first victim of the election debate is the truth. Especially if one of the two rivals is Donald Trump. Face to face with Joe Biden this Thursday in Atlanta, the former president launches the first campaign that will take one of the two to the White House in November, according to calculations by CNN, the network that organizes the meeting. A thirty-one…

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in the era of Fake news, It has been seen that The first victim of an election debate is the truth. Especially if one of the two rivals is Donald Trump. In his face-to-face with Joe Biden in Atlanta this Thursday, the former president launched the first campaign that will take one of the two to the White House in November, according to calculations by CNN, the network that organized the meeting, thirty deceptions or messages that were only half true. Biden also repeatedly renounced the truth, at least nine times. Below, we review the 11 lies that defined a 90-minute battle that ended with a clear loser: Biden.

Trump says Democrats support abortion after birth. This is wrong. The rhetoric is common among the most extremist faction of the Republican Party. The former president spoke of rival politicians who support abortion “up to the eighth and ninth month and even after birth.” Although there are laws or legislative initiatives to allow late termination of pregnancy, these are limited to cases in which there are complications during pregnancy and the mother’s life is at risk, i.e. the viability of the fetus is zero. None of the 50 states allow ending a baby’s life as soon as it is born. That is something else, and that other thing is called “infanticide.”

Biden says when he arrived at the White House he greeted the country with 15% unemployment. This is not true. The unemployment rate in the United States was 6.4% in February 2021. It is true that unemployment reached 15% during the Trump administration, but that was in April 2020, at the peak of pandemic shutdowns.

Trump says the Biden administration is taking legal action against him. There is no evidence to show that this is true. “They accused me because I was their rival,” Trump said. Stormy Daniels case, He has just been indicted on 34 felony counts in New York. “They transferred a high-ranking Justice Department official to the Manhattan District Attorney’s office to pursue that case,” he said. Again, that’s false.

Trump alleges that the only jobs Biden has created are “for illegal immigrants” and those that came from the post-pandemic recovery. This is a misleading statement. There is something in the data that the current president can claim, but it is not even close to the whole truth.

Trump claims Biden plans to quadruple taxes. The data is greatly exaggerated. The tax cuts approved by the former president in 2017 expire in 2025, and Biden is expected to raise rates, but not to the levels his rivals denounce.

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Biden claims he is the only president “this century” under whose mandate “no soldier is dying anywhere in the world.” That’s wrong. During his three and a half years in the White House, American service members have died overseas, including 13 who died in a suicide bomb attack during the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021.

According to Trump, Biden encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine. This is wrong. The Biden administration warned Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade Ukraine. In previous weeks, it alerted the international community to the Kremlin’s plans to launch a massive invasion and threatened economic sanctions, which it imposed.

Trump blamed Nancy Pelosi’s decision not to accept the president’s offer of troops to protect Washington for the chaos that ensued during the attack on the Capitol. It’s an old argument from the Republican magnate, now revived after the leak of a film fragment of Pelosi’s daughter, who was then speaker of the House of Representatives. Political, One of its reporters, who watched 45 minutes of the documentary, published that she did not admit any guilt for what happened in that footage. To begin with, because, as the American media recalls, she did not have the authority to accept or not accept that help.

The price of food has “doubled, tripled and quadrupled”. Trump lied again. Shopping basket prices have increased since the beginning of 2021, yes, but by 20%.

The deficit with China is the highest in history. That’s a myth. In fact, it’s the lowest since 2009. Trump also accused Biden of being “in the pay of China.” There is no evidence for that accusation.

Biden says his policies have led to a 40% drop in irregular crossings from Mexico. That’s not true. These “encounters,” in border jargon, have dropped by 40% since a recent executive order limiting irregular entries to 2,500 migrants per day. But in fact immigration numbers were generally better during Trump’s reign.

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