February 18, 2024 Oropush outbreak in Madre de Dios, Peru.

February 18, 2024

The epidemiology department reported that a new outbreak of the disease was recorded through sanitary and epidemiological intelligence of the regional health department. Oropush virus in the department of Madre de Dios, Perulocated in the south of the country, in the Amazon basin.

Nine cases have been confirmed among 600 dengue suspects so far.

The predominant vector of the virus is Culicoides paraensisbelongs to the Order: dipteranfamily Ceratopogonidae. The genus includes more than 1,400 species distributed throughout the world. The actual host range that serves as a food source for Culicoides mosquitoes has not yet been determined, but available evidence suggests that they feed on the blood of a variety of mammals and birds, depending on the availability of these hosts. S. paraensis It is abundant during the warm or rainy months of the year and has a wide geographic distribution, attributed to its ability to survive and reproduce in semi-urban regions close to areas of high population density.

Culicoides breed in habitats that provide a suitable moist environment for eggs to survive and hatch, such as mud at the soil-water interface, excrement, highly organic and moist soil substrates such as manure mixed with soil, which may contain large numbers of vectors. close proximity to livestock, which facilitates the transmission of arboviruses to animals and people living near livestock farms.

Local risks Peru

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