Formula 1 Safety Car Crashed at Parabolica in Monza!

A routine test of the high-speed safety car came to an abrupt end on Thursday 2024 Italian Grand Prix Formula 1because he hit the barriers very hard. As part of the usual preparations for the weekend, safety car driver Bernd Maylander carries out numerous system checks and hot laps to ensure everything is in order.

However, in one of his fast corners he appeared to lose control of the Aston Martin at Parabolica. The Vantage F1 Edition crossed the tarmac and jumped onto gravel before crashing into the security guards. tires on the outside of the track.

Meet the Safety Car:

Although the incident was spectacular as the car came to rest on its side near the barrier, Bernd Maylander and his co-pilot were uninjured and escaped without assistance.It is unclear whether the crash was caused by mechanical failure or pilot error.

The Formula 1 medical car, which is also testing on Thursday afternoon, stopped nearby to pick up the pair and return them to the pit lane. Shortly after, the car was able to continue its day of practice while marshals worked to remove the safety car from the area..

Aston Martin presented this season an updated version of your Vantage in an attempt to allay some drivers’ concerns about a lack of speed. In addition to some body modifications and a new grille, power has been increased by 150 PS to 656 PS, thanks to larger turbochargers, increased cooling and new camshafts for the AMG 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine.

Incidents involving the safety car and doctor are rare but not uncommon in Formula 1. One of the most famous occurred in Monaco Grand Prix 2000.When Alex Ribeiro crashed into a Mercedes medical vehicle during a test session on Saturday morning in Tabak.

The pilot was also lucky. Brazilian Grand Prix 2002when, after parking next to Enrique Bernoldi, he was almost hit by Nick Heidfeld, who crashed into the open door shortly before the Brazilian got out.

Alex Ribeiro crashed the medical car on Saturday at the Monaco Grand Prix, June 4, 2000.

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