Free up memory on your mobile: this is the WhatsApp garbage you didn’t know about

Messaging app whatsapp It is one of the most popular in the world and probably one of the most used. Traffic reports, photos, videos and all file types which reach up to our phones This is a very high figure. And they all remain stored in memory. Considering the high load of applications, there are a lot of them and the phone’s memory tends to fill up. This has an aggravating factor because it can lead to malfunction devices.

To prevent this accumulation normal thing to do is delete and eliminate what is already not needed or lost interest for various reasons. But it may happen that even if they are deleted left a copy in some corner phone. What they say that nothing erases everything is absolutely true.

For this reason it is important to know where whatsapp saves these files that if they are not eliminated, they may end takes up a significant amount of memoryespecially if it’s video, photos or audio. Maybe when you shared them with someone or someone sent them to you, they had their significance because of memory or because the anecdote was funny, but after a while we forgot about them or, in theory, we saved them . in another device. Officially we have removed them, but this is not entirely true.

The red box indicates the steps you need to follow.

Hidden “garbage”

WhatsApp application doesn’t count Like many computer systems, with trash can in the strictest sense of the word where to throw everything that is no longer interesting. In principle, deleting it is enough to free up memoryleave some space, but that’s not entirely accurate. And meta messages It has a somewhat hidden folder what files saved which were deleted and considered deleted.

It’s important to know that this folder exists because they not only take up storage space, but also may cause malfunctions applications including make it overheat more than usual and this is causing problems mobile productivity.

This is how the route ends with the folders that need to be deleted.

This is how you find and clean up the secret folder

This secret folder contains all media files that you have received or sent through the application, and This is where you will have to do the cleaning everything you want to eliminate forever. This is a safe way to avoid space problems

When you start looking for this folder, you should keep in mind that its location may depend brand from your phone and operating system version, especially on Android, but the route is very similar.

In any case, to get to the cart, follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do is click in your phone’s file manager. It may have different names: File Manager, Files or Files.

  • Once inside, click on Internal storage or device storage. Sometimes it manifests itself directly and in in other cases you will have to move the screen left.

  • After openingbetween folders that appear there will be with a name Android. Click on it.

  • Among the new options select folder Average.

  • On the screen that appears now find and click com.whatsapp.

  • A new screen will open with several folders. Choose Average. All shared files are saved here. .

These files will look like this arranged in classified folders by type: video, audio, photos, gifs, documents… You have to open them one by one andselect what you want to delete. It’s a little time consuming and hard, but if we want our terminal or application to cause problems, it’s more than convenient to do.

Maybe directly delete each of the foldersbut the risk is destroying what we want to preserve.

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