Funds with the possibility of earning on dividends

The most stable global high dividend equity funds offer average returns over the past five years of around 10%.

Investing for dividends is a highly valued strategy give portfolio stability or more moderate profilesand investment funds can be an effective way to enter this area. The tool for thisor they dividend funds that focus on listed companies with a proven ability to return to their shareholders over time. periodically, even in very complex contexts. How to choose in this wide showcase?

One of the issues to consider is that there are two types of dividend funds: those of distributionWhat They periodically deliver dividends to the participant as if it were income.and those of accumulationWhat are they The most common. In this latter case, the products do not distribute the received dividends among their participants, but managers reinvest themwith the aim of increase value participation and the resulting profitability. Many funds have distribution or accumulation types that the shareholder can choose from depending on his or her personal strategy.

“Of both options, we prefer dividend accumulation funds because every dividend collected is taxable, and for this reason, we believe the accumulation fund and periodic refund strategy is the best,” says Miguel Perez, investment solutions analyst at atl Capital.

Guillermo Santos, partner at iCapital, agrees Taking tax considerations into account, it is usually better to use savings funds. for individuals. “Then, in addition, the possible revaluation is not taxed when changing the fund by transfer,” he adds. But he also points out that in the case for legal entities, “income may be of greater interest for cash considerations and its other tax regime, in addition to the non-application of the deferral (portability) regime.”

Another aspect that needs to be determined is geographic coverage of investments and in this sense, professionals are predominantly inclined towards global funds. “Global strategies fit the theme and provide greater diversification to the fund,” says Perez. “It’s better for them to be global and focused on developed market companies because of the greater stability of the companies in their dividend policies,” notes Santos.

Products in the spotlight

He JPM Global Dividend and M&G Global Dividend These are two of the favorite products of those who choose the funds consulted by EXPANSIÓN to obtain dividends from variable income from a global perspective. The first one currently has a clear technological bias and tall concentration geographical in USAThis sector (including semiconductors, hardware and software) makes up just over 22% of the portfolio. Microsoft, Taiwan Semiconductor and Metal Manufacturing These are the three largest positions in the fund. But iconic companies from other sectors, such as UnitedHealth, Coca-Cola, and Nestlé, also have significant weightings in the portfolio. The fund is valued at 10.5% in 2024 and offers a 9.3% annualized return over five years.

In that M&G Global DividendsWhat exceeded 12% growth since January 2 and rubs 10% on average per year When looking at the past five years, financial services has more weight than any other sector. However, the company’s five largest positions are in other industries. They are: Methanex, Keyera, Broadcom, Gibson Energy and MicrosoftThe representation of European companies barely reaches 10%, compared to 40% of American companies and almost 27% of Canadian companies.

Using a similar strategy, Global Guinness Share Income Santos sees this as another good alternative, sharing his top bets with previous companies Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing and Broadcom, which are leading the pack. Roche Holding and Arthur J. Gallagher & CoThe fund’s shares will rise in price by 12.4% in 2024 and by more than 10% on an annualized basis over 5 years.

In any case, these three funds, which differ in their Consistency in recent years surpasses two dozen products in the ranking of revaluation per year of the global high-dividend stock category, according to Finect. They lead the way Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund – Global Enhanced Income FundHe Jupiter Merian Global Equity Income Fund Youl Amundi Funds – Global ESG Equity Income with a yield of 16% to 20%.

Spanish managers

Opportunities to invest in global high-dividend stocks through products from Spanish management companies are few. Among them, one stands out: Meta-value of dividendswhich has a nine-year history and was taken over by Luis Catalan de Ocon in early 2024. It has gained 5.3% this year and offers three-year annualized returns of around 7%.. Air Liquide, Schneider Electric, Novo Nordisk, Berkshire Hathaway and Iberdrola These are the five largest positions.

However, investors who want to bet exclusively on the dividends of European companies have a richer offer of products of Spanish origin. In 2024, the behavior Unifond Europe Dividendswith an increase of more than 10%, followed by GVC Gaesco’s Dividend Focus And BBVA Dividend Plan on the European Stock Market. Dividend Mutual Fund This is great considering the annual return over 3 years is around 10%. And Ibercaja Global Dividends This is the one that offers the best 5-year average: 6.6%.

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