Georgia election: With 70% of initial counts, Georgian Dream wins with 53%

The October 26 elections are seen as crucial for Georgia’s future, determining whether it will continue on a path towards the EU or increasingly towards Russia.


Voting closed in Georgia, where citizens with the right to vote in the South Caucasus country were called on for the renewal of parliament on Saturday.

After polling closed at 8:00 pm, participation was 58.94%According to the Central Election Commission, there is an increase of about 3 percent compared to 2021, but a lot of data is still missing from voters abroad and five electorates of the territories.

Preliminary results published by the Central Election Commission show Georgian Dream Party leads with 52.99 percent, That compares to a total of 38.4 percent received by opposition parties, which exceeds the electoral threshold of 5 percent.

Full preliminary results, based on 2,206 precincts, or 97 percent of precincts that voted electronically (90 percent of all precincts), show Georgian Dream as the winner. The final data will be informed on Sunday.

The preliminary results are as follows:

  • Georgian Dream: 52.99%
  • Coalition for Change 11.2%
  • National Movement 9.8%
  • Strong Georgia 9.2%
  • Gakharia for Georgia 8.2%

Exit polls are contradictory

three exit polls Published at 8:00 pm (shown at 6:00 pm in Spain) contradictory results: Two surveys conducted by television networks gave the opposition a lead, while data from pro-government ‘Imedia TV’ surveys showed georgian dream That would be the winning party with 56.1% and the coalition of pro-European parties stopped at 36%.

Elections in Georgia: Exit poll by Edison Research and Sueno Georgiano with 40.9%

According to Edison Research exit poll, the party Georgian dream, In power since 2012, it is the main political force with 40.9% of the votes. The Coalition for Change and the National Movement came in second place with 16.7%. Strong Alliance of Georgia with 10.3% and Gakharia of Georgia with 8.2% also exceed the threshold. The four opposition groups together account for 51.9%: with these figures the pro-Russian party would lose its majority in the government.

Harris X exit poll: Georgian Dream at 42%, but coalition wins

The exit polls, conducted by Matavari Arkhi TV and conducted by HarrisX, show only parties that have crossed the 5% threshold and are predicting a victory for the opposition. Georgian Dream has 42 percent and is the first game. The Coalition for Change remains at 18 percent, the National Movement at 13 percent, Strong Georgia at 9 percent and Gakharia for Georgia at 8 percent: together they will reach the majority needed to govern.

Zourabichvili: “Democracy, Europeanism and a demonstration of maturity”

“Despite attempts to rig the elections and without the votes of the diaspora, European Georgia wins with 52%. Georgia has demonstrated democracy, Europeanism and maturity. I am proud and confident in our European future.” President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili Wrote it in X, claiming victory for pro-EU forces.

Gorby and the Georgian Dream exit poll with 56.1%

The survey by the Gorby Institute at the end of voting shows a different picture: Sogno Georgiano will be the first party in the parliamentary elections with 56.1 percent. the Coalition for Change with 12.6 percent, the National Movement with 11.6 percent and the Strong Georgian Coalition with 7 percent. Other structures do not exceed the obstruction limit.

Orban congratulates the Georgian dream

“Congratulations to Prime Minister Kobakhidze and the Georgian Dream on their landslide victory in today’s parliamentary elections,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote in the X. Listened.”

“It rarely happens that a party achieves so much success in such a difficult situation. I assure you that our country will achieve great successes in the next four years,” said Bidzina Ivanishvili, Suelo Georgian founder and former prime minister. told followers, quoted by Russian news.

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