Give state land into the hands of promoters”
Gonzalo Bernardos said in laSexta Xplica that “there is no doubt that the housing problem is the main one in Spain” and warned that “unfortunately it will get worse.” Thus, as “significant data” he cited that “in 2007, 58% of young people aged 16 to 29 owned housing, and in 2023 this figure will be 29%. “In this situation politicians haven’t done anything. The PP did nothing, and the PSOE and Podemos deceived the population by declaring that the housing law would magically solve the problems when it made them worse,” criticized the economics professor.
In this post, Bernardos proposed a “solution” to the housing problem: “The biggest owners of land in Spain are city councils, so we are going to put this public land into the hands of developers; these developers will be giving away public land and after 50 years they will have to hand over the houses they have built to the relevant city council, but the price at which they are going to sell the houses will be limited“.
Moreover, the professor added: “100% credit provided to ownersthen that means that what they are going to pay for the mortgage is going to be around €300 less than what they are paying for rent.” You can see his performance at laSexta Xplica in the main video accompanying the news.