Gonzalo Bernardos calls the decline in inflation in Spain “good”: “It is much lower”

general inflation fell by two tenths in June, reaching 3.4%, According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), the decline was driven by a drop in fuel prices, which rose sharply in the same month last year, as well as good dynamics in food prices.

A fact that Gonzalo Bernardos praised in Al Rojo Vivo: “The inflation data in Spain seemed good to me. This is much lower than what it was in May, April and March. Inflation is gradually slowing down. Food prices will rise less than last year, and in the future we can expect lower olive oil prices due to lower VAT and a great harvest.”

However, the economist highlighted a negative side that you should be aware of: “The negative element is the growth of leisure and culture.which is related to tourism. We must remember that cruise trips in May increased by 22% annually, and tourist packages by 17%. This, which is fundamental for Spain, has a negative impact and pushes inflation up. Nevertheless, I believe that at the end of the year inflation will be below 3%“.

Archive image of a Civil Guard vehicle.

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