Goodbye masks in Cantabria! Cantabrian Health Minister announces his resignation

In an encouraging turn for public health, Cantabria is preparing to say goodbye to masks in health centers. Starting this Wednesday, the preventive measure will no longer be mandatory, marking a turning point in the fight against respiratory diseases in the region.

Health Minister Cesar Pascual announced the decision at a recent press conference. Along with him, Luis Carretero, Managing Director of the Cantabrian Health Service (SCS), noted the marked improvement in the health situation in the region. “The workload in both primary and hospital care has dropped to normal levels,” Carretero explained.

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This measure is confirmed by encouraging statistics. According to Pascual, data on the incidence of viruses such as influenza, respiratory virus and COVID-19 have decreased significantly over the past week. “We are talking about reducing the incidence of influenza by 46%, respiratory virus by 42% and COVID-19 by 38%,” the consultant explained.

Reducing the burden on the primary health care system allowed an impressive 80.4% of health centers to book appointments in less than 48 hours, and more than 70% in less than 24 hours. “We are in a normal situation where the burden on primary and hospital care has decreased significantly,” concluded Pascual.

The publication of a resolution repealing the obligation to wear masks is expected tomorrow in the extraordinary Official Gazette of Cantabria. This announcement represents a significant step towards normalcy and is welcome news for Cantabrian citizens who have braved the challenges of the pandemic.

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