GPU with RDNA4 ray tracing capabilities?

According to the latest rumors coming from a famous source of information about Keplergraphic processor
PlayStation 5 Pro It will have advanced ray tracing features. To this end, it is stated that the console will use a graphics chip based on AMD’s current RDNA3 architecture, but with
some RDNA4 features Backward compatibility is aimed at improving performance by enabling ray tracing technology.

This was the same source of information that showed that AMD would abandon
high-quality consumer graphics market. And at this point, everything that Kepler leaked has come true, or almost everything. So the latest information about the PlayStation 5 Pro as the main character is interesting.

Here’s What We Know About the PlayStation 5 Pro’s AMD RDNA3/RDNA4 GPU to Improve Ray Tracing

Specifically, Kepler points out the ray tracing features that will debut with AMD’s RDNA4 architecture, and which of those features will be available on the PlayStation 5 Pro. This is doubly interesting since even AMD hasn’t publicly commented on the ray tracing capabilities of your GPUs. Radeon RX 8000 Series (RDNA4).

Among the improvements mentioned we have Double-crossed ray tracing engine. This leads to increased productivity. We have Transforming RT instance nodewhich will allow the GPU to manage geometry better and more efficiently. Node RT 64B This will improve processing while reducing memory requirements. Optimization of three ray tracing pairs This would help reduce the computational load required to calculate ray and triangle intersections.

We end with “Improved BVH presence“, which would allow for potentially faster grouping of the geometry that makes up a scene, and that
OBB will be compatible with RT

(compatible with oriented tie box). In addition, there is the so-called procedural node discoverythrough “change barycentric coded flags“We don’t know what this entails.

Other information about the GPU

The PlayStation 5 Pro GPU delivers 36 teraflops of performance and ray tracing inherited from RDNA4.The PlayStation 5 Pro GPU delivers 36 teraflops of performance and ray tracing inherited from RDNA4.

As far as we know, the Radeon RX 8000 (RDNA4) series will have access to new ray tracing enginewhich the PlayStation 5 will reportedly be able to take advantage of. The RDNA4 architecture is reported to have access. new ray tracing engine Made completely new from scratch.

There have been rumors about using the PlayStation 5 Pro before.
RDNA3.5 architectureSo now that RDNA4 features are in place, you can access ray tracing capabilities without impacting performance too much. Or at least less than the Xbox Series X. That would be the only benefit of the PlayStation 5 Pro, which is to take advantage of all the backwards compatibility features of RDNA4.

However… When is the PlayStation 5 Pro coming? These RDNA4 architecture rumors confirm the console’s existence. According to the latest rumors, He won’t arrive at the end of this year.hoping it would come in 2025. Now it seems like 2025 very late date when the next generation of Xbox consoles arrives a year later, meaning the PlayStation 5 Pro could see its lifespan dramatically reduced.

Initial rumors suggested we’ll have a GPU with access to 3840 stream processors this would cause
maximum performance 36 Tflops. This will be a little lower performance than Radeon RX 7800 XT.

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