Grave! The special edition will be released on PC, PlayStation 5 and Switch in August
Limited Edition Games announced Tomba release date! Special edition.
This is a remaster of the classic 1997 PlayStation game Whoopee Camp, known as Tombi! in Europe it was announced last July.
For those who don’t know, it’s a colorful non-linear 2.5D platformer created by Tokuro Fujiwara, a Capcom veteran and head of games like Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Bionic Commando or Sweet Home (the horror game that predates Resident Evil). ).
Fujiwara himself is involved in the project, which will include a new updated soundtrack by Fujita Harumi.
LRG used its Carbon Engine to add features such as save at any time, rewind, and additional analog controls. There is also a museum here that contains design documentation, original artwork, an interview with Tokuro Fujiwara, and original manuals, among other things.
Grave! The Special Edition will be released on August 1st on PC, PlayStation 5 and Switch. A PlayStation 4 version will be released later.