Hailey Bieber’s sunscreen was created by dermatologists

Hailey Bieber admires her uniform.

Hailey Bieber admires her uniform.


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Health HazardTaken by Hailey Bieber, this solar product is recommended by dermatologists.

Hailey Bieber revealed the secret of the color of her uniform. This gives you a tanning accelerating gel. A product developed by doctors.

Malin Muller

L’été approche à grand pas. The de quoi inciter is sure to be a bronzer. I have my own uniform, Hailey Bieber, 27, works as an office model. When asked by a fan who demanded it be a secret, the top model replied: “C’est Carroten! “C’est ce qu’il ya de mieux.” In fact, this does not happen without carots, but in the name of a very pleasant tanning accelerating gel, which is also available in Switzerland.

Products Hailey Bieber uses

In the photo prize from Justin Bieber, you can see on the cauldron du pot de Carottin, sun protection spray, index 50. “I use toujours in association with the solar protection index, car Carottin and “en contient pas”, écrit-elle .

Bronzing accelerators: pas totalement mauvais

“Bronchial accelerators may contain ingredients that are valuable for the skin,” explains Marianne Meli, dermatologist. In turn, “it does not contain any sun protection factor (FPS or SPF in English) or perhaps a three-factor factor.” “If products do not contain a source that stimulates melanin production without increasing sun exposure, they will not pose any problems, provided that the level of sun protection is increased,” explains the specialist.

Glitter enhances sun glare

Hailey Bieber loves a security card? Pas tout à fait, à en croire Marianne Meli. Carroten gel is mainly composed of petroleum jelly, which penetrates slowly and gives the light a shine, or in other words, enhances the effects of the sun’s rays. As dermatologist Sulin said, “A meme used in association with sun protection, this genre of substance is not a break for the soul.” Selon elle, le gel ne protège pas d’un éventuel coup de soleil, du vieillissement prematuré de la peau, voire du cancer de la peau, etc., improper use of solar protection. A dermatologist may emphasize that “tanning is a protective mechanism against skin damage and the occurrence of skin stress reactions.”

Alternative plus is a must

A tip for absolute bronzers is to use a self-tanning agent. “Par ce biais, do not expose to ultraviolet rays to get the best effect. Il faut néanmoins garder à l’esprit que l’autobronzant ne protège pas du sunil,” précial-t-elle. If you have some perfume, apply sunscreen, leave an ombre look, or apply anti-UV rays to the rest of your body.

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