He spent 178 days in space and what he saw shocked everyone: “We lived a lie”

Part of the scientific community devotes its time to uncovering the greatest mysteries that surround us in outer space; however, those who have the opportunity to experience this up close are the astronauts who are preparing to spend days, weeks, and even months in a spacecraft. One of them is Former NASA cadet Ronald Garanwho spent 178 days in space and claimed that “we are living a lie.”

The 62-year-old’s experiences during his absence from planet Earth have led him to think about how humans treat each other. One of his most notable talks was a TED talk in 2016, where he talked about his experience of observing the structure that defines the border between India and Pakistan.

Ronald Garan has been to space and now talks about his experience during talks. Photo/Instagram: @astro.rongaran

“At first I thought it was a strange reflection of moonlight on the river. I was very intrigued. It turns out it was not a natural reflex at all. “I always said that you can’t see borders from space, apparently I was wrong.”he pointed out, and used the image of the planet to expose human coexistence: “The Earth, seen from space, almost always appears beautiful and peaceful. But was this an example of human-caused alteration of a landscape that was clearly visible from space?”

However, during the interview he gave Think seriously In 2022, the astronaut published a headline that caught the attention of many: “We are living a lie.” What Ronald really meant was that his spatial perspective allowed him to see a different order in the criteria of human needs. “When I looked out the window of the International Space Station, I saw flashes of thunderstorms like paparazzi shots, I saw dancing curtains of auroras that seemed so close, as if we could reach out and touch them,” he introduced himself.

He also continued: “And I saw the incredible thinness of our planet’s atmosphere. At that moment I realized that This paper-thin layer supports the life of all living things on our planet.“I saw a shimmering biosphere full of life.”

Panoramic satellite image of planet EarthNASA – NASA

But his conclusion attracted attention because he was a seasoned NASA astronaut. “I haven’t seen the economy, but since our artificial systems treat everything, including our planet’s life support systems, as a subsidiary of the global economy; It is obvious from a spatial point of view that we are living a lie.” His proposal suggests a change in the order of thought: moving from thinking about the economy, society and planet to thinking about the planet, society and the economy. “That is when we will continue our evolutionary process,” he said.

His statement attempts to go beyond the astronauts’ general vision and demonstrate that the most primitive things on planet Earth are what matter right now, because of pollution and climate change.”We will not have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interconnected structure of all reality.”Ronald concluded.


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