HEALTHY EATING | Goodbye Watermelon: Experts Tell These People To Stop Eating It

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Goodbye Watermelon, Experts Ask People to Stop Eating ItPI Studio

Every summer in Spain we enjoy one of the most popular fruits. refreshing and popular: watermelon. This fruit is not only ideal for combating the heat and high temperatures typical of summer seasonbut also It has cleansing properties, benefits for the brain and protects the heart.according to Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC).

Although no dangers associated with it or its consumption, if you suffer from any of the following conditions, you should stop consuming it. A moderate serving of watermelon is considered equivalent to two cups (approximately 300 grams). This the amount provides the necessary nutrients without exceeding the recommended limits.

Experts are asking these people to stop eating watermelon

People should avoid consuming it.

Among those who Watermelon consumption should be avoided or reduced in Spainthere are people with diabetes. This is due to the natural sugar content of watermelon. In these cases, It is preferable to consume watermelon in its natural form. and not in the form of juice, because When liquefied, fiber is lost.which promotes rapid absorption of sugar and increases the risk of blood glucose spikes:

  • Potassium content: its high content potassium may be harmful to people with kidney disease, hypertension or in hemodialysisExcessive potassium consumption can increase the level of this mineral in the blood, which can lead to heart or kidney problems.
  • Risk of nitrate poisoning: In some cases, watermelon may contain high levels nitratesespecially if grown in inadequate conditions. Nitrates can be converted into nitrites bacteria in the body that can cause poisoningespecially in infants and young children. Symptoms of nitrate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and weakness.

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