Here are the breast cancer myths that concern a scientist and oncologist the most

On the occasion of World Breast Cancer Day, Alba Moran, a doctor of biomedicine and molecular oncology, revealed the myths that are deeply rooted in society and that They pose a danger not only to cancer patients, but also to society as a whole, as they contribute to the spread of misinformation.

The most disturbing myths

The Myths That Most Concern Dr. Moran related to cancer treatment and not only breast cancer, but also on a general level.

“The most worrying thing is when people abandon methods that we know work because they have been tested safely and thoroughly on large numbers of patients.”– he warns. According to the doctor, When patients avoid hospital visits and opt for pseudo-therapy or fraudulent treatments that are circulated on social media, they are putting their health at risk.. “The belief that tumors have emotional, spiritual or other non-molecular causes moves us away from the best strategies we should use to achieve the most effective treatment and maximize life,” he adds with concern.

Regarding the specific case of breast cancer, Moran explains that while it is often heard that it is associated with emotional distress or trauma, “This is all a lie. There is no evidence to support this. What we do know is that breast cancer has molecular causes, and we are understanding these mechanisms better and better.”. The doctor emphasizes that it is thanks to this molecular understanding that effective treatments and medicines are developed. And that’s what It is at the molecular level that we find the keys to treating cancer, not in unfounded theories.

“Biological weapons” against breast cancer
“Biological weapons” against breast cancercause

What should society know about cancer?

Moran insists it is important for society to understand some key aspects of cancer. “We cannot view cancer as an “external enemy” or an infectious disease that invades our body.. “Tumors develop from our own cells that have stopped functioning properly,” he explains. This concept is critical to understanding why it is sometimes so difficult to develop treatments that only target diseased cells. “Cancer cells are very similar in many aspects. to healthy cells with some molecular changes. Therefore, the treatment may affect healthy cells and cause unwanted side effects,” he adds.

Another aspect that society must clearly understand is that Each tumor is unique, even if it affects the same area of ​​the body. “Many people think that other people’s experiences with breast cancer will be similar, but each tumor has different molecular characteristics.“Comparing patient diagnoses and prognoses can lead to false hopes or incorrect expectations.”warns Moran. Tumors, even if they arise in the same organ, can vary greatly in their behavior and response to treatment.

Two Key Tips Every Patient Should Know

The expert makes two fundamental recommendations for people diagnosed with cancer: “First, Don’t be deceived by those who promise you miraculous healings.. And secondly, don’t let fear overcome you“Moran insists on the importance trust specialized doctors such as oncologists and gynecologistsregistered specialists are responsible for their words when applying to accredited medical institutions. “If you don’t know how to distinguish a guru from a professional, go to the hospital. There you will find the best criteria and the best tools to help you,” concludes Dr. Moran, reaffirming his confidence in evidence-based medicine as the best ally in the fight against cancer.

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