Here’s how eating pistachios affects your kidneys

According to the latest study German statistical portal Statista (“Evolution of nut consumption per capita in Spain”), published last year, consumption There were 3.24 kilograms of nuts per person in Spanish homes.. This seems like a big number, but keep in mind that it contains a lot of nuts, from almonds to walnuts (which help lower bad cholesterol). Therefore, it is not surprising that their consumption is high as they have many health benefits and also have a delicious taste and perfect texture to suit numerous dishes. Actually in Aragon Nuts are an important addition to traditional recipes such as thistle and almonds.

Without a doubt, another of Spain’s favorite nuts are pistachios, as they are an excellent source of calcium, even surpassing some dairy products such as milk and yoghurt. So this is A good time to remember its benefits is World Pistachio Day. However, the recommended serving of pistachios is moderate, ideally no more than 50 units per week. This amount is enough to reap its benefits without exceeding your calorie intake. Therefore, a handful of pistachios is okay An ideal alternative to include in your balanced diet and as a healthy snack.

On the other hand, pistachios are excellent source of calcium, even surpassing some dairy products such as milk and yogurt. This feature makes them especially valuable for those who are lactose intolerant or prefer a plant-based diet. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), 100 grams of these nuts provide 180 milligrams of calcium, and the dairy product contains 142 milligrams.

Without forgetting this the iron content in it is noticeableeven surpassing foods traditionally recognized as rich in this mineral, such as lentils. According to the World Health Organization (WHO)15% of the world’s population suffers from iron deficiency anemia. Pregnant women, the elderly and children are the groups most often affected by this disease. So, If you’re looking for foods with this mineral, pistachios are a great alternative.

The effect of pistachios on the kidneys

However, there are two minerals that are also found in pistachios that need special attention if a person suffers from kidney disease: potassium and phosphorus. In this case yesand you should monitor and moderate your intakebecause the The kidneys may have difficulty eliminating these minerals.

That’s why, You will only have to worry about this inconvenience if you suffer from chronic kidney disease.. The La Rioja Patient School explains this very well in their study “Nutrition in Chronic Kidney Disease”: “The body obtains energy and nutrients from food to carry out daily activities. Once in the body, food is transformed and waste is formed, which is eliminated from the body.” mainly by the kidneys and digestive tract. In addition, the kidneys regulate the concentration of other substances such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, water, etc. If the kidneys are not working properlyall these products accumulate and disrupt internal levels.

Bibliographical sources

– Luis Roman, D., & Bustamante, J. (2008). Nutritional aspects in renal failure. Nephrology, 28(3), 333-342.

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