Here’s how you get into a fiber optic ONT and what it’s for

Many of us know very well how to configure some router functions such as opening input and output ports, changing the Wi-Fi name and password, or changing the channel of your network to avoid congestion, but we are still not familiar with the idea that we also can access the ONTs of your fiber optic equipment as they contain very important functions. Below we will explain to you how to connect to ONT and why they are so needed.

When connecting the Internet at our home, the installer will lay a long fiber optic cable, accompanied by a router and next to it a small device called ONT, which is responsible for connect the network from the telephone operator’s switchboard to all the electronic devices we have at home.

Each company does a different installation these days as they may have different routers that include their own ONT, but more often installations are performed with a separate ONT. Today these devices are sold Huawei, Nokia and ZTE and they are essential for a fiber optic connection and providing your entire home with internet via a router.

What is ONT and how to access it

ONT (Optical Node Terminal) is internet service station which converts the optical signal of the fiber optic cable into a digital signal that reaches the router and interprets it as cyberspace, affecting the entire home. Without this gadget, we would not be able to access the fiber that phone companies provide us from their switches.

Actually, A router is easy to distinguish from an ONT., because the latter snags the fiber optic cable hanging from the street, and the router is responsible for connecting devices via Ethernet cables and other functions such as activating the landline. Previously, ONTs were turned on separately from the router, but recently operators have included them inside the router, forming a single piece of equipment.

Depending on the brand to which ONT belongs, you will be able to gain access one way or another. If it is a Huawei model, it will be easy for you because the IP address, username and password will be written down on the label that you will see under the device. On the other hand, if the brand is Nokia or ZTE, you will have to try several combinations until you find the right one. In some cases it will be necessary disconnect the fiber optic cable to have access:

  • After we have disconnected the optical cable, being careful not to damage it, we proceed to connecting the ONT. via Ethernet cable to PC and turn on the switch.
  • Next, we will access the ONT configuration web interface by writing the address in the browser line. with username and password root/admin or admin/admin or admin/1234.
  • If this address doesn’t work directly for you, you can try assigning it to TCP/IP Configuration from your computer the following configuration: IP address, subnet mask and gateway, and then re-enter into the URL.

ONT how to get access

Why do you need access to ONT?

As we mentioned earlier, many companies are already integrating ONT into their routers in such a way that users do not worry about the true use of this device when it is achieved completely independently.

And having a separate ONT means having the opportunity change router free if it does not have a built-in ONT, or also to know optical power which reaches us from the company switchboard to our home, although it is unlikely that this electricity will fail or suddenly turn off as this is usually the least of the problems that may arise. In fact, the most common are massive service outages or connection failures in the router.

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