Here’s What You Don’t Know About the Effects of Eating Pistachios Every Day on Your Kidneys | Health | Magazine

Pistachios are one of the most popular and consumed nuts worldwide. Their delicious flavor and crunchy texture have made them a favorite snack for millions of people.

In addition, their nutritional profile makes them indispensable products for the prevention of heart and bone diseases, anemia and type 2 diabetes, among other benefits that are undeniable, as El Mundo notes in this regard.

Despite all these benefits, there is a side effect that many people are unaware of: the impact of frequent pistachio consumption on kidney health.

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How do pistachios affect the kidneys?

The kidneys are vital organs that perform important functions for our overall well-being, such as removing waste and toxic substances from the body.

However, “pistachios contain potassium and phosphorus, minerals that are difficult to eliminate from the body if you have kidney problems,” Mundo Deportivo points out in this regard.

For this reason, regular consumption of these nuts can be potentially dangerous, especially for those people who have compromised kidney health due to stones or any other specific kidney disease.

Experts recommend eliminating this food from the diet after 60 years of age, as it increases the risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

What is the recommended intake of pistachios?

According to Mundo Deportivo, experts recommend not eating more than 50 pistachios a week to avoid exceeding the caloric intake of the diet and putting kidney health at risk.

Consuming pistachios in a conscious and moderate manner allows you to benefit from their high potassium content, an important mineral that not only helps regulate fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, but can also improve kidney function in healthy patients.


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