High protein fruits for building muscle mass and strengthening bones.

This fruits is known for its digestive benefits and its ability to relieve constipationattracts new attention thanks to study recent from Oklahoma State University.

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Andrea Reyes


This study shows that characteristics They not only contribute better digestionbut they can also be the key to strengthen bones and promote muscle development. Find out how to enable it protein rich fruits in your diet This could be a positive change for you. health general.

Prunes: An Ally for Strong Bones and Healthy Muscles

Studying Oklahoma State University emphasized the positive impact prunes for healthy bones and muscles. According to researchers, daily consumption of prunes can increase the concentration of IGF-1, a protein crucial for growth hormone regulation and bone development, by up to 17%.



This finding is particularly important for the prevention of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women, as it suggests that a diet rich in prunes may help reverse or slow age-related bone loss.

Besides, plums raisins offer properties anti-inflammatory agent And antioxidantsand its regular consumption can increase bone mineral density in key areas such as the forearms and lower spine, thanks to its content of vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

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If you add dough and sauces to the salad, it will no longer be as healthy.

Additional Benefits of Prunes for Overall Health

Thus, regular consumption of prunes not only helps counteract bone loss but also provides numerous health benefits. general health.

The phenolic compounds, minerals, and dietary fiber they contain are powerful allies in the fight against osteoporosis and promote overall well-being. Here are some additional benefits of including prunes in your diet:

  • Improves digestion: Due to the high fiber content, prunes facilitate regular intestinal transit and prevent constipation.
  • Antioxidant properties: Antioxidants present in prunes help fight cell damage and premature aging.
  • Reducing inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit help relieve discomfort in joints and tissues.
  • Strengthening muscles: The protein and minerals in prunes support muscle health and development.

Add about ten prunes a day to your diet. diet can be a simple but significant change to improve your health bones and everything.

This information in no way replaces a diagnosis or a doctor’s prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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