High temperatures are a hindrance to a good holiday in August

Insomnia, the enemy of peace

The month of August is at the peak of its development and, therefore, temperatures also reach their most extreme levels across our country. Not only does this affect our daytime plans, forcing us to seek out refreshing places like the beach or the pool. It also has a direct impact on our nights, as it can disrupt our sleep and lead to One of the enemies of the summer heat: insomnia.

But What causes poor sleep quality in summer? Experts point to two influential factors: stress and the climatic conditions of the summer season. “To achieve optimal sleep in the summer, it is necessary to control all those aspects that cause us stress (financial problems, work, family, eating habits, health…). On the other hand, our night’s rest is influenced by environmental factors, i.e. the amount of light, temperature, air quality and noise level.”, explains the doctor. Carlos O’Connor ReynaCo-Director of Service Otorhinolaryngology belonging Hospital Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar and from Quironsalud Hospital in Marbella.

2 12 – High temperatures, a hindrance to a good holiday in August2 12 – High temperatures, a hindrance to a good holiday in August
Carlos O’Connor.

There are several parameters that reflect a restful sleep. According to the expert, the quality of this rest depends on the duration, how we fall asleep, what time we fall asleep or what time we go to bed and wake up. It is important to emphasize that the benefits of proper sleep are fundamental to our health. “It allows us to maintain our body’s energy levels and promotes our brain health as it clears out the waste from our neuronal activity. It also improves memory and learning, even improves the immune system, promotes cell regeneration and kills bacteria and viruses.” says the doctor O’Connor.

Against, Poor sleep causes fatigue, bad mood, lack of memory, lack of concentration. and in the long term, it causes anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s diabetes or can lead to substance abuse. In addition, the specialist lists other diseases associated with poor sleep quality, such as obesity, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, sleep behavior disorders, dementia or the risk of epilepsy.

Finally, the co-director of the Service Otorhinolaryngology belonging Hospital Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar and from Quironsalud Hospital in Marbella offers a series of tips to help you have a great summer vacation. “Regulate your melatonin production by following your natural sleep cycles in the morning and reducing light exposure as much as possible in the evening and at night, avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and theine in the hours before bed, taking short naps (no longer than 30 minutes) to avoid altering your nighttime sleep cycle, exercising after lunch, eating a moderate, early dinner, or lowering your bedroom temperature to 22 degrees before bed.”– he notes.

According to the otolaryngologist, sleeping pills are not an adequate solution to the problem of lack of sleep, because “It is very important to diagnose the problem causing insomnia by consulting with a sleep medicine specialist.”.

Quironsalud in Andalusia

The Quironsalud Hospital Group currently has eight hospital centres in Andalusia, located in the cities of Malaga, Marbella, Los Barrios (Cadiz), three in Seville (Sagrado Corazón, Infanta Luisa, Materno-Infantil), Cordoba and Huelva, as well as 18 specialist diagnostic medical centres and a surgical day hospital, which positions it as the leader in private hospitals in this autonomous community.

About Quironsalud

Quirónsalud is a leading healthcare group in Spain and, with its parent company Fresenius-Helios, in Europe. In addition to its activities in Spain, Quirónsalud is also present in Latin America. In total, it employs more than 50,000 professionals in more than 180 medical centers, including 57 hospitals with more than 8,000 beds. It has the most advanced technology and a large team of highly specialized professionals of international prestige. Among its centers are the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital, the Teknon Medical Center, Ruber Internacional, the Quirónsalud University Hospital of Madrid, the Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital, the Dexeus University Hospital, the Policlínica Gipuzkoa, the General University Hospital of Catalonia, the Quirónsalud Sagrado Corazón Hospital, etc.

The Group promotes teaching (ten of its hospitals are university hospitals) and medical research (it has the FJD Health Research Institute, accredited by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation).

Likewise, its health service is organised into cross-cutting units and networks, which allows it to optimise the expertise gained in the various centres and the clinical implementation of its research. Quirónsalud currently develops many research projects throughout Spain, and many of its centres are at the forefront of the field, being pioneers in various specialties such as oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, gynaecology and neurology, among others.

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