Holy War: Found at the consecration of Mama Antula. The President is paying tribute to a saint who represents his ideological counterpoint

In land, roof, work (Altamaria Ediciones) collects speeches given during Francisco World meetings of popular movementsBetween 2014 and 2016. This is a version pocket From the geopolitical point of view of the Supreme Pontiff: the criticism of predatory capitalism that he makes when asked what is the difference between the two live good And give yourself a good life,

Who does the Pope talk to in those speeches? For those who have been denied access to the three “T’s” that give the book its title: land, shelter, and work. These are the rights on which human dignity should be based, says Bergoglio. and he talks too Those who, without following any religion, advocate a world worth living in, Explains the consequences of some theories of development, such as spillovers, and Economy of exclusion. It condemns the migratory, ecological and social crises as interrelated.

francis collectivist

As a Jesuit the Pope says what he has said since A perspective that is diametrically opposed to the worldview of the powers of heaven To which Miley turns.

Long before she joined the campaign, Miley attacked Francisco by describing her “Disastrous character”, “Idiot”, “Unprepared man in Rome”, If Horacio Rodríguez Larreta seems to be leftist, how can he not consider himself its representative? “The Wicked on Earth” For a Jesuit who Said that agricultural reform in Latin America is not only an emergency but a moral duty, Yet, after that history of insults, this Sunday Miley and Francisco will see each other in person for the first time. Already in office, the President sent a letter inviting him to Argentina. Eventually, they agreed to meet in Rome Canonization of Blessed “Mama Antula” Maria Antonia de Paz y Figueroa Who would become the first saint of Argentina.

The biography and principles of Mama Antula are located On the epitome of what La Libertad Avanza in general and Miley in particular represent: During the time of the Viceroy, he criticized violence and gender inequality and the exploitation of one social class by another, focusing on racial segregation. An intersectional perspective almost before the word even existed. Would this seem collectivist, at least to libertarians?

sacred argentina

Mama Antula opposed the mandates on women and protected prostitutes, homosexuals, pregnant teenagers, “natural children” and single mothers. It was controversial for its time, the 18th century.A time when women did not read or write and were banned from almost any outside participation.

he rejected arranged marriage And also, what was then the best plan: the convent. And he vowed as he wished: Poverty and chastity, but not obedience.

Furthermore, she was responsible for bringing the image of Argentina Patron of Bread and Work, San Cajetan, During his youth he worked with the Jesuits, and when he was expelled from the Viceroyalty, he began a pilgrimage that took him Tour on foot through several provinces to spread the Ignatian practices, Francisco is dedicated to Mama Antula: when he was archbishop of the city he bore his name and since he became Pope, he proposed to beatify him. Will Miley have any information about the characteristics of the character whose tribute she will be attending? Does she know what view of the world Mama Antula still represents?

Meanwhile in Peropolis

Miley ends her tour of Israel in Rome Pure Pogo at Wailing Walland preparing to participate in the ordination of a nun who was The stomach-churning term libertarianism existed before feminism. Meanwhile, the reality in these countries looks more and more similar the third season of Empire,

Minister pettovello He started this week with members of social organizations who were demanding cut into the dining room, queues of hunger surrounded He raised those whom he himself cited To go to a meeting, with the aesthetics of a spiritualist session Intermediaries who do this. Signed agreements for food aid with evangelical churches located Acerra and Conin FoundationAssociated with Opus Dei.

the day after Defeat of omnibus lawbegan to circulate as a smoke screen A project to repeal the voluntary interruption of pregnancy law, with signatures that ultimately were not. In the best cases, this will serve as a signal. boost the morale of radicalsWith a predominance of highly reactionary men in both distributive, cultural and social matters. But, at the same time, while this was happening, From Israel, Miley posts Old Testament verses with story of the Golden Calf It tells how the Hebrews’ misbehavior in relation to Moses was cruelly punished.

open eyes

Bible quotes are part of Miley’s thoughtful arsenal Evergreen. President, who He converted to Judaism on the advice of his dead dogNever hid the diversity of his spiritual quest: Esotericism (Medium, Tarot) Which guides you to jointly drive to the destinations of the motherland Other religious and institutional interests, always in the most conservative branch, in this case Judaism.

The word sacred is used by libertarians among other things Justification of huge adjustments (according to INDEC data, in the last month of 2023, the worst wage decline since the much-mentioned hyper of the 80s was confirmed). there is nothing new Cessation of suffering on earth (or in the present) as a sign of moral superiority and as a ladder to reach redemption, The same idea, although less elaborate, was behind the metaphor of Gabriela Micetti from “Light at the End of the Tunnel”.

If this wait, as long as freedom of worship exists, can be filled with the fantasies everyone loves, it is worth asking: how long will it take? “give it time” Changing to another type of prayer: One so that LLA and state are separate matters,


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