How can you prevent hair loss? With a guide of 5 products that will revitalize your hair from the roots.

hair loss This is one threat that few people want to face in their lives. Well, the reasons for this phenomenon are due to several factors such as dandruff or stress, although feeding According to several nutrition experts, plays a central role. So today we will show you 5 products that will save your hair from any threat.


Let’s start with this list by consuming green leaves like spinach. It is a green vegetable rich in iron, vitamins and antioxidants that helps prevent hair loss. In addition to caring hairthis ingredient helps feeding Much healthier for the body compared to other ingredients.

Nuts and seeds:

Continuing the list, we move on to the consumption of seeds and nuts, which help take care of hair. Whether it’s walnuts, pistachios or almonds, each product contains large amounts of iron, which prevents hair loss in excess. For this reason, some nutritionists recommend consuming it daily to enjoy it. feeding and healthier hair.

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In this regard, legumes form a fundamental part feeding base. Foods such as chickpeas and lentils contain essential iron, which slows down hair loss Within a few days. Additionally, those who follow a diet rich in vegetables and want to improve their health hairIt is best to include it with lunch and dinner.

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As for fish, this is another key food ingredient that can stop hair loss. Foods such as tuna, salmon and sardines contain essential iron and fatty acids that help maintain skin hair natural and effective. In addition to this benefit, by including them in our feeding helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Source: Canva

Red meat:

Finally, we come to red meat, which is very well known in feeding any person. However, certain types of meat, such as sirloin, sirloin and lean beef, are excellent sources of iron, which is easily absorbed by the body. In this sense, it strengthens the condition hair and reduces the likelihood hair loss.

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