How does the PS5 Pro work from a commercial point of view? Sony estimates it’s already outselling PS4 Pro and explains its strategy

At the hardware level, PS5 Pro is the most powerful console Sony has ever released, resulting in better on-screen results in over 50 games with improved labeling. At a commercial level this is somewhat confusing: the price of 799 euros (920 if we need a disk drive, which is sold separately) is a barrier for many interested parties. A wall that, according to Hiroki Totoki, president of Sony, is being overcome better than in previous generations.

To get a full understanding of why the PS5 Pro was released and how it performed in its early days, a key piece of the puzzle needs to be revealed: it is a console built for a very specific user profile: most important customer base. In other words, unlike the PS5, it is not a video game system aimed at the general public. And this is not an opinion, mind you, but rather Totoki’s own statements addressed to the Nikkei media.

“This is a high-end product aimed at mainstream customers, so we weren’t initially looking at a big sales plan.”

From here, it’s time to make an almost obligatory clarification: What is this “most important customer base”? The quick answer is that these are those users who are most loyal to a particular brand or company values, stand out from others because of their long-term value to the company, and typically make up about a fifth of total consumers. At least that’s what the Oxford Dictionary says.

They robbed me of one of the most cruel and iconic moments of recent years in the most gratuitous manner and with complete impunity.

In general, Sony typically develops and sells equipment specifically designed for a group of the most important customers in almost its entire technology industry (TVs, audio equipment, camcorders…). And not something exclusive to them, mind you, because Apple works that way too. This doesn’t get to the really big question raised in the title: How has the PS5 Pro fared commercially?

The most powerful PlayStation is not sold out in stores, but it performs better than the PS4 Pro

To the delight of all interested (and the despair of speculators), there were units for everyone who wanted to get a PS5 Pro on launch day and beyond. And hence the second remark: the fact that the game console does not end is a good sign. At all. But the fact that there is demand, and the ability to supply or distribute it on time, is something negative for absolutely everyone. Including Sony.

However, without giving numbers in the table – because it is still very early – Hiroki Totoki establishes that the goals and reception are slightly better than the same version that the previous generation console had. PS4 Pro, the price of which, in fact, was adapted to the market, and was also reduced on previous models.

“My impression is that the product is slightly outperforming PS4 Pro pre-orders over the same period, so I don’t think this will negatively impact the product’s sales plan.”

It’s logical to put this data into perspective: the PS5 Pro went on sale in November the same way as the 2020 PS5, and the model known as the “slim” was released last year with the clear goal of being available during this period . from Black Friday to Christmas madness. So, in all likelihood, we’ll only be able to truly feel the pulse of the launch and success of this new 16 teraflops PlayStation when Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men visit the homes of half the planet.

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What we do have is a clear reference to the state of PS5 sales before we started getting the extra boost from the launch of the ‘Pro’ model: the latest financial results recorded up to September 30th put the four years in which the current one is available PlayStation generation 65.6 million consoles sold. That is, five million more than last time (three months before) and with the already announced PS5 Pro.

Sony’s strategy for the PS5 Pro is clear: offer a system for everyone and an alternative aimed at its most important customer base. The key now is less about improvements and more about adding value to consoles with great first-party and third-party releases, and in 2025 we’re guaranteed to have two: Death Stranding 2: On The Beach and Ghost of Yotei. . Additionally, the undated debut of Wolverine from Insomniac Games. The games that will truly define not only the success of the PS5, but also the extra quality that the Pro models promise. In VidaExtra | Not Elden Ring, not Bloodborne, not Dark Souls: no FromSoftware game will be perfect until it features this game mode

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