How much does it cost to celebrate the league in the fountain? | Relief

Nacho and the rest of the Real Madrid entourage exit the open-top bus and begin to walk up a small ramp next to the statue of Cibeles, one of the nerve centers of the city of Madrid. It’s Sunday morning and they’re holding the La Liga trophy that Pedro Rocha gave them shortly before. Before all this they visited the Community of Madrid and the City Council.

It is a liturgy that, if the year has gone well, Real Madrid repeats once or twice a season. Only in big cases: League, Champions League, even Cup, for lack of something better. And the liturgy, especially when it is legalized and protocol, someone has to pay for it..

It used to be a little wild, the players would come, climb as best they could, put a flag or a scarf or whatever they had on the statue, trying not to fall. The fans got along too. At one point, the statue’s arm was even torn off.

Today this is not the case, there is an agreement with the city council to make the situation more institutional. They set up a security perimeter with fences, a corridor for the bus to enter and a white path well marked to reach the back of the goddess where the captains could sit and dress her in her festive attire.

The city council pays for the meeting. As Relevo learned thanks to a request for transparency responded to by the Council of Madrid, Installation and covering of this stage costs 2649.11 euros including VAT.paid by the Chief Coordination of the Mayor’s Office.

Simultaneously with the assembly of the structureA vinyl with the words “La Liga EA Sports 23/24” was also supplied and installed, which meant a cost of €350.90 for the municipal coffers. In addition, the city council presented the club with a small gift – a small figurine of a bear and a strawberry tree – the city’s coat of arms, the cost of which, including VAT, was 211.75 euros. Thus, the cost of the purchase itself is 3211.76 euros.

The costs to be taken into account by the council do not end there. In addition to the funds contributed by the General Directorate of Coordination, there are also some costs that are borne by the General Directorate of Communications. It is clear that The costs of 3,494.60 euros relate to a contract already signed by the center entitled “Services for sound, streaming, lighting, video projection and technical assistance at organized public events.”.

Likewise, there is also an additional cost of 162.56 euros, which corresponds to the “Production of photographic and audiovisual reports on the information policy of the City Council of Madrid, promoted by the General Directorate of Communications”. That is, these two expenses are part of already existing contracts that the capital government often uses.

This will bring the city council’s total spending on minutes spent by Real Madrid fans at the Cibeles, including previous events, to €6,868.92. It is logical that all these expenses do not include what corresponds to the Community of Madrid for the time during which the team passed through the Puerta del Sol.

The cost of the security device is also not specified. In another resolution, the General Directorate of Police explains that it cannot give a quantitative assessment, since “the development of the security and safety service that arose on its basis was carried out by police officials who performed these functions in accordance with the shifts established in their respective services. perceiver lRegular remuneration appropriate to them for performing their normal functions.“.

All these expenses relate only to the La Liga celebrations in the square, although they are not expected to be much different from the payments that had to be made three weeks later to celebrate the city’s team being crowned European champions. for the fifteenth time.

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