How much is on offer this Thursday, May 30th?

See what the Official Euro and Blue Euro are trading at.

See what the Official Euro and Blue Euro are trading at.  I also learned how much the European currency trades against the dollar.

He euro today -no taxes – closed at $943.75 for purchase and US$1013.75 is up for sale, Banco Nación reports.

Regarding the price on the black foreign exchange market corresponding to the blue dollar, the parallel euro was sold at $1,297.80 to buy and $1,330.25 to sell., in caves explored Volume.

Countries using European currency The currencies are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal.

At what official price is the dollar trading today, Thursday, May 30?

On the official exchange market wholesale dollar up 50 cents $894.00 per unit.

MEP is trading at the dollar price today, Thursday, May 30

He MEP dollar quoted US$1182.71 therefore the gap with the officer was located at 32.3%.

CCL dollar value today, Thursday, May 30

He dollar Cash with payment (KKL) was sold US$1213.28 And spreading with the officer in which he was stationed 35.7%.

Dollar card price today, Thursday, May 30

He dollar card or tourist cardAnd dollar savings (or solidary) was in $1,460.80.

Crypto dollar quote today, Thursday, May 30

He cryptodollar or Bitcoin dollar works in US$1213.28in accordance with Bitso.

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