How often do users update their Mac?

Most users keep their Macs for three years or more, according to a new survey.

How often do users update their Mac?
Mac computers are very durable products, and this survey reflects that.

Can you estimate how often the average user changes their Mac? A new study by specialist company CIRP gives us the answer and, as expected, The time between buying a new Mac and replacing it is quite long. in general. There are cases and cases, but let’s see what is the norm.

Although all respondents were from USAwe could say that the average value can be extrapolated to other users. According to the study CHIRPHe 56% respondents, that is, more than half, Keep your Mac for at least three years. Minimum three years; then there may be more.

Users wait three years or more before upgrading their Mac

Macs are built to last, both hardware and softwarebeing able to upgrade to the latest versions of macOS for years to come, such as macOS Sequoia. The lifespan of a Mac can will easily exceed six yearsand this is reflected in the survey, the results of which show that More than half of users keep their Macs for three years or more..

CIRP survey

Results of the survey conducted by CIRP

On the other hand, we have users who keep their Macs two to three yearsin particular 13%Secondly, there are users who support it. one to two yearsin particular 19% users. Finally, we have users who simply save it. one yearrepresenting 13%; They can be the most demanding, requiring a lot of energy.

From CHIRP They feel they have less motivation to change their Mac because most users use it for streaming And Web applicationsAnother reason could be the lack of new features, and also the fact that Mac computers in general work very well and do not need to be replaced that often.

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