How should you take tea to eliminate belly fat?

Abdominal fat, in addition dangerous For healthis difficult to remove. However, drinking tea with regularity Could you help me get this. Here we’ll tell you how.

Besides the fact that I aesthetic problemthe presence of abdominal fat is risk For health. And this is due to obesity, diabetesdefinite heart diseases wave high blood pressure. Eliminating it is not an easy task, but it can be achieved by saving a few Healthy Habits and after healthy food. In this sense, it can help you accept tea.

Why does tea help you lose fat?

A cup of tea. PEXELS

Although it depends the plant is usedIn general terms, tea contains nutrients such as vitamins and mineralssupporting balance inside the body and strengthening the immune system. As the doctor explains Joaquim Muñozit also contributes speed up metabolism and therefore, remove fat And toxins.

“On the other side, to drink tea regularly helps to avoid fluid accumulation for his diuretic effect And thermogenicgiven that promotes urination And destruction from fat cells– adds the expert. However, it is important to emphasize that its use must be combined with physical exercise, since there is no point in speeding up the metabolism when the body does not expend energy. Another fundamental habit is following a diet. proper nutrition.

The best teas for burning fat

There are many tea varieties which you can take, but if you are looking for fat burning, some of them are more recommended. In this sense, the doctor Muñoz indicates those who have greater efficiency for this purpose:

  • Green tea: This is one of the best known and most commonly used. Among its advantages, in addition to speed up metabolism And control obesityincluding assistance deal with stressTo protect the heart already prevent cardiovascular diseases. Also strengthens defenses.
  • artichoke tea: To behave as diuretic And detoxificationBye improves performance belonging liver And digestion. Help lose weight because stimulates metabolism.
  • ginger tea: It has thermogenic properties very pronounced, which increases Body temperature And speeds up metabolism. In addition, it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Cinnamon tea: This is a great ally when it comes to control blood sugar level and from fight cholesterol. In addition, this avoids creating body fat And promotes digestion.
  • Red tea: To behave as antioxidant, diuretic And weight loss. Promotes fat removal for its direct impact on liver And metabolism. This also avoids fluid retentionhelp Digestive process and controls cholesterol level.

Green or red tea, which is better for weight loss?

As we have seen, both green and red tea help burn fat. However, your choice to lose weight will depend on your personal preferences and you individual response for your appointment. “Green tea is ideal for those who want to increase burning calories And improve energy during exercise“, they detail from Coffee Tea Arta shop specializing in tea and coffee.

On the other hand, red tea may be more effective for people seeking control your appetite and reduce education new fat cells. “Their ability to regulate cholesterol level And blood sugar level They also do this valuable option for those who are concerned about their cardiovascular health while working on themselves weight loss“, they say from Coffee Tea Art.

What tea to drink to lose weight at night?

Most teas contain thein (this is the same molecule as caffeinebut the name theine is usually used when we talk about tea), so they can affects sleep. However, it is not, rose teatherefore, it is an ideal option to eat before bed, and on the other hand, it contains a large amount antioxidants. “Rose tea does not contain theine, so you can drink it in the morning without any problems.” evening. Also, it will help you lose weight With simplicity“, they say in the online pharmacy. Atida.

How to Make Lemon Tea to Eliminate Belly Fat

Another option for eliminating fat, especially in the area abdomen, He Tea with lemon. Healthy eating expert Maria Evia teaches on his channel YouTubecalled spice it up with meto prepare it in some way fast and easy. These steps to follow:

  1. squeeze a lemon over a small glass until you come to your senses 30 milliliters its juice around two spoons.
  2. Add a pinch later ground cayenne pepper.
  3. Then pour small spoon from raw honey.
  4. Fill the glass warm water or hotbut it doesn’t boil.
  5. Stir spoon until honey to dissolve and you will have ready-made tea drink. You can take it on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach. before or after belonging products.

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