How To Connect To Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi Without Asking For Password – Teach Me Science

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Staying connected and aware of everything that is happening in the world has become a priority and this is already a fact because thanks to technological advancements we can know many things that are happening in the world and know about others no matter if they are at a great distance… distance from us.

What keeps us connected to such an extent is the Internet, which, because it is available to everyone, we can, in addition to staying in touch, communicate with others, do school or professional projects, shop online, and even stay active at work. With the growing demand of many users, many companies can offer excellent options for both mobile and local services, and thanks to this, many can stay connected to the entire world.

But there are times when you don’t have any of the internet services offered, and that’s when a stable connection is needed. When such situations arise, we can count on some solutions in this regard, such as the ability to go to one of your neighbors’ routers and get a connection with one click and without the need for a modem password. Be careful, all this is with advance notice..

So, if you want to know how to achieve this, take a look at the following information.

Here’s How You Can Get Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi Password Without Asking Them

Getting an internet connection through a modem or router is not always easy, and even more so if you do not have the password that allows you to do so, which is becoming more and more in favor of the client, which is great because it prevents unwanted devices from connecting.

QR code

But there is a way to connect to any existing router or modem without having to enter a password, and that’s thanks to the QR code that’s on these devices. Just open your mobile’s settings, go to the menu “Connections and Networking”select the Wi-Fi option and on the top right you will see a QR symbol, select it and your camera will immediately open to scan the QR code which is on the label of your modem or router which is usually on the side or back of it.

Image courtesy: Internet

WPS button

This is not the only option to connect to a modem or router without having to enter a password, this can also be done using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button, this option is great if you have a computer instead of a smartphone. You need to press this button, and once you do, you will notice that it will start blinking, and this is the moment you can connect any device without having to use a password.

Image courtesy: Internet

Here you have two ideal options to connect to your neighbor’s modem or router without having to enter a password, remember that all this is done with the proper permission of the owner and thus you can enjoy the connection with due trust and respect.

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