how to recognize a bite and what to do if it happens

Black fly, specific Simulium erythrocephalumis a type of insect that, unlike regular flies, feeds on blood. Therefore, it bites animals and people to suck their blood. In doing so, it causes a lot of discomfort, even more than mosquitoes. We explain how to recognize these insects and their bites, as well as what to do if you are affected by them.

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It is an insect with a high reproductive capacity that appeared in the Ter River in Girona in the 1990s. Later, in 2005, the black fly also colonized the Ebro River, where the number of medical cases due to midge bites increased. Today, the black fly is considered a pest in Catalonia.

Black fly: how to recognize it

If you are near a river and you see flies flying around, try looking at them to make sure they are black flies. This is your physical characteristics:

  • These are small flies (1.5 to 4 millimeters), but they have a strong body and shiny black. You can also distinguish it because it is slightly “hunchbacked”.
  • His wings are wide.
  • As for the legs, their hair can be of different colors (white, silver, yellowish…).

What does a black fly bite look like?

If you are bitten by a black fly, You may not notice it right away. This insect secretes anesthetic substances into the skin, which make us not immediately aware that it has “bitten” us. Once the anesthetic effect of the bites wears off, they become painful. Also, to know if it is a black fly bite, check if the following characteristics are met:

  • The bite causes rwave of several centimeters and high swelling.
  • These bites are distinguished by the fact that they represent bleeding central spot which cause some inflammation at the site of formation and may be accompanied by fever and swelling.
  • In some cases there are people who are insensitive to black fly bites and the only symptom they would exhibit would be snoring. In the case of Sensitive people may even experience swelling. Symptoms may go away within a few days or even weeks.
  • Some people imagine some allergic reaction to the saliva of female midges. These reactions may be mild or chronic and may require hospital treatment.

What to do if you are bitten by a black fly

It is important not to scratch the bite site of this insect, as this can cause an infection in this area. It is recommendedapply ice to reduce inflammation or a corticosteroid ointment prescribed by your doctor (always ask your doctor).

If you notice an allergic reaction, visit a primary health care centeras the bite can cause dermatitis or even poisoning, which can last for several months. Keep in mind that poorly healing midge bites, both in humans and animals, can cause secondary infections. Therefore, always consult a doctor if in doubt.

How to Prevent Black Fly Bites

In Catalonia Cases of midge bites in humans are recorded mainly between June and September. If you find yourself in an area where gnats are present during these months, keep these tips in mind.

  • Long-sleeved clothing prevents bites because the insect’s mouthparts cannot penetrate the fabric.
  • Repellents containing diethyltoluamide are not effective and in some cases may even attract them.

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