‘I could sit down or leave before the inauguration’ | Relief

Carolina Marin (30 years old) is one of the favorites to be Spain’s flag bearer at the next Olympic Games. which will take place in Paris. The opening ceremony will take place on June 26 on the banks of the Seine. This is an honor for any athlete and for Carolina Marin herself, who emphasized in Relevo that she would be “glad” to carry the flag of her country.

The problem is that the naval parade which will take place on the river flowing through the French capital will force athletes to come to the inauguration much earlier than planned. In addition, the complexity of the event means that athletes will have to wait for hours before they finally set sail on the Seine.

A circumstance that, together with the start time of badminton competitions, may cause rejection from Huelva women. And, in the worst case, Carolina Marin may be forced to compete at a very early hour as the women’s competition begins in 9:20 July 27.. That is why the player turned to the relevant institutions for help.

“All parties must contribute their grain of sand.”

Carolina Marin

After his statements to the media Carolina Marin spoke with Quique Peinado in ‘Suits‘Relay. An interview to be published in the coming days in which she demonstrated her sense of the crossroads that the role of flag bearer might entail.

I’m performing the next day. I know the possibility of becoming a standard bearer is up in the air. No one has called me yet, but it makes a lot of noise and you can hear it. The next day I perform, and for me it’s a risk. I don’t want anything or anyone to stop me from achieving my great goal of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.“, emphasized the player from Huelva.

On the other hand, Olympic gold at the 2016 Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro, stressed that his possible election depends on consensus between all parties. She believes it is necessary for the Spanish Olympic Committee to contribute its “grain of sand”, as she herself will, in order for the situation to move forward, and even propose options.

“If something threatens my big dream, I will have to say no.”

Carolina Marin

There would be options. Yes, it is true that all parties have to contribute.. I’m talking about the Spanish Olympic Committee, which could offer him to speak the next day or as late as possible if he speaks the day after the opening ceremony. There may be a time during the opening ceremony itself when I can sit down or leave early.. If many parties do their job, I will do mine if they call me, provided that this is possible. But if anything jeopardizes my great dream and goal, unfortunately, I will refuse.”

Anyway, There is no denying that Carolina Marin would agree to be Spain’s flag bearer at the Olympic Games., one of the greatest recognitions an elite athlete can aspire to. Now it all depends on the other institutions that can support Caroline and make her dream come true.

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