“I hope to find a Mac”

“Is that a tail?” was the question before crossing the threshold of Carrefour Actur and seeing dozens of people tied to shopping carts. The reason? A pop-up store for unexpectedly lost or unclaimed Amazon products. Sold by weight, a kilogram sells for 15 eurosand people, without hesitation, came to “try their luck.”

Some of those who came to the mall did not come with any intention. “I just came to see, this is tombola“Said Guillermo Poze, who stood outside Carrefour at 10:30, waiting to get in. Others went with a clearer goal:”I hope to find a Mac“, – said Zoraida Loriente confidently. This client came with a lesson learned from home: “You have to be strategic, it is better to throw away soft bags, because they are usually clothes. “You need to take a square box that doesn’t weigh much, that’s the strategy.”

Eulogio and Teresa Lacambra, father and daughter, waited a few minutes before entering: “The title was given correctly, “mysterious” sets the theme in motion.“, – Eulogio noted. Without a goal in mind, what they might find, they said they were looking for “a little deal and see if we get lucky and find something.” Teresa admitted that she did not expect a line, but her father did: “If it were for me, I would have come at half past five in the morning, but the streets were unpaved,” Eulogio emphasized cheerfully.

Eulogio and Teresa Lacambra wait to enter the Amazon Surprise Store.

Eulogio and Teresa Lacambra wait to enter the Amazon Surprise Store.

Leonardo Hoyos and his partner walked out, hugging the bags and pleased with their purchase. “We look for electronics that attract the most attention,” they noted.We are happy because we bought things, it was a bit crazy because of the people and the organization, but ok“.

Other customers left with their cars filled to the brim with packages. Surprisingly, it could be one of lime and another of sand, before leaving with their loot, they opened some purchases especially for HERALDO and found a children’s toy, which made everyone laugh, and a large box full of mobile phone cases, which became more popular.

Leonardo Hoyos and his partner with surprises from Amazon
Leonardo Hoyos and his partner with surprises from Amazon

The large influx of people came as a surprise even to the organisers themselves, who were stunned. Marilia Cardoso, an employee and representative of the Spanish part of Destock Colis, noted: “We have done this in other cities, but In none of them did we see people waiting and standing in lines before we arrived.Despite starting half an hour late and complaining about the organization, Cardoso admitted he was “happy” with the reception.

This large Amazon product market will run from Monday, July 29 to Saturday, August 3, from 10:00 to 22:00 and will be located inside the Carrefour Actur store gallery in Zaragoza. Offers lost or unclaimed Amazon parcels for sale at a flat rate of €15 per kilo..

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