“I love female torture”

In the new film Memento, which hits theaters May 29, Jessica Chastain will play a complex character who struggles with a scary pass. Recontre.

What’s your memory like?
Jessica Chastain
During all the time I realized that I was again in the plus and plus kiss, playing the role of women and accomplices. Cela faisait longtemps que je vulais, collaborating with the realist Michel Franco, and I do not know how it was before. I found a very interesting script, and the main characters of this long film are all tourists.

À découvrir également: Jessica Chastain: “Success has not changed”

Est-ce, what makes the role of a female alcoholic difficult?
Jessica Chastain
This is a woman who does not have plus a touch of alcohol plus a birthday, but most of all she has a very strong influence. She continues to struggle in everyday life to rest soberly. I do my best to meet real members of Alcoholics Anonymous centers so that I can enter into this person. This is a woman who is encore frappée par le passé et sa rencontre avec uncien camarade de classe ne va pas du tout arranger les chooses.

What souvenirs do you have for this experience?
Jessica Chastain
I know new information about women who are victims of abuse and violence in all genres. If some of them are dark with alcohol, I can say that it is not for pleasure. L’alcool is a means of eliminating trauma. James…

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