Ibay Llanos looks fit and healthy again

ANDIn the last few hours, one of the topics that has caused us the most conversation has undoubtedly been the images of Ibay Llanos in his return to Spain after the end of the Royal League World Cup. The streamer showed up at the airport in a wheelchair and the alarm quickly went off regarding his state of health.

There were many disturbing comments throughout the day. And this is not surprising, because in the videos that it was clear, it was clear that the one in Bilbao looked very bad, something his comrades explained by saying that I had a fever and fatigue.

Ibai looks fit and healthy again.

Everything pointed to It will be difficult to see Ibai in person in the next few days. as it would seem that he would take a break after so many days away from home and his country. Ultimately this did not happen, and It could be seen live this afternoon.

The Basque language appeared in LEC co-broadcast which he previously led Quentin, Knekro and Reven. Although he didn’t say anything about it, he did mention that “I got sick after not sleeping and had to catch a plane.”

He has made no statement regarding the wheelchair issue, so no further information can be provided at this time. Despite this, the most important thing is that his health seems to be perfect and nothing serious has happened, which we are all undoubtedly happy about.

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