“If they were darker, we’d be playing poker with racial slurs.”

Returns ‘Goals, gentlemen‘, With Sandra Sabates And Cristina Gallego“a sports program in which reaching a small area does not mean having goal opportunity but have a lower salary than men,” explains Sandra.sexist‘ weeks.

The first news brings them to Instagram Jenny Hermoso. The footballer published several photos from his vacation Misa Rodriguez, Real Madrid goalkeeper. “This time the referee was not the most insulted in the match, as the social network was filled with sexist comments and homophobes,” says Sabates. “What a hat-trick, lesbophobes, homophobes and sexists, and because we at the beginning of summer that if they were a little darker, we’d play poker with them Racist slurs“Adds Cristina Gallego.

The main character of the following news is Vox group from Extremadura. “The Party completely rejects all measures equality proposals of the People’s Party,” explains Sandra. Among other things, the possibility of using equality offices for judicial applications, introducing a telematic channel for counseling victims of gender-based violence or creating a helpline for victims. LGBTI people. In addition, Vox deputy Javier Bravo stated in this regard that “perhaps the association mustachioed people who smoke “They also need another phone number.”

V European Cup There is no shortage of “macistads”. As Sandra explains, “in this publication there is not a single participant among 104 professionalsbetween the head referees, assistant referees and VAR teams, and there will be none in the tournament. Olympic Games Paris.” “These pageants may not support feminism, but they support referee profession “because they left everything full of whistlers,” concludes Christina.

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