“If you serve another 6 months…”

This is a post published on the réseaux sociaux website about what Jenna Fischer said about how to deal with the disease. “October is my sensitization for cancer of your body. I never thought it would be fair when you talk about it, most and sometimes. Last December I was diagnosed with cancer of your body, triple positive, stage 1. After loading surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, I don’t know plus cancer “Le mari d’Angela Kinsey, avoid this photo. Ce n’est qu ‘un exmple parmi d’autres de l’attention. qu’ils m’ont portée tout au long de ce voyage”écrit-elle in légende d’une longuepublication dans laquelle elle elle raconte plus en détails ce qu’elle vient de traverser.

Jenna Fischer is battling a very aggressive cancer

Translator Pam Dance Office Revival plus longevity, in publication, regarding the disclosure of the disease. “In October 2023, I posted a photo on Instagram of me getting ready for a routine mammogram on a train with a nice Michael Scott-style “prendre soin de vos Bombes à Retardement” rappel. After inconclusive mammogram results based on dense breast tissue, the doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. Ils ont trouvé quelque chose dans mon sein gauche. A biopsy is common. On December 1, 2023, it turns out that you will be treated for stage 1 triple positive cancer.details and stories about how it works for a pensioner-la-tumur. “If you stay another 6 months, you will wake up fine. “, dedicated to comedy. “In January I had surgery to remove the tumor. Today my cancer is detected at an early stage and it has not spread to the lymph nodes and the ensemble of my body. “Also, due to the aggressive nature of the cancer, which is triple positive, he may turn to chemotherapy and radiotherapy to ensure it does not return.”écrit Celle qui Prendre Encore des Infusions de Medicines.

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