“Ils peuvent garder leurs excuses”: JK Rowling definitely has a point about Harry Potter stars Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe

She is restless, just like everyone else. J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter saga, is desormais loin du statut d’icône qui lui a longtemps été attitré avec le succes de sa series de livres sortis at the end of the 90s, puis de l’adaptation des Ouvrages en Film pendant les années 2000 and 2010.

British romance is the couturier effect of attacks on social media, embracing people of trans genres. According to J. K. Rowling, for example, people do not want the male gender, and they do not want to affirm the female gender.

Solidarity between Radcliffe and Watson

The positions, abandoned and controversial, that dress Harry Potter fans, most of all the main actors of various films, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Both laws also decided to de-solidarize 100% of the owner.

Emma Watson also has a poster for transgender people on social media: “Les personnes trans sont celles qu’elles pretendent être et méritent de vivre leur vie sans être constamment interrogated or sans qu’on leur dise qu’elles ne sont pas celles qu’elles pretendent être. Je veux que mes abonnés trans sachent que moi et tant d’autres personnes dans le monde vous voyons, vous respects et vous aimons pour qui vous êtes. » Son de cloche meme with Daniel Radcliffe: “Transgender women are women. Any statement, on the contrary, erases the identity and dignity of transgender people.”

“Celebrities in the language of bien pendue”

And this “trachison” is not like what happens in the past Cote de JK Rowling. On the occasion of a meeting with the British doctor Hillary Class sur la mauvez gestion du service d’accompagnement des transgenres, l’autrice ne s’est pas privée de commenter ces éléments qui content son, évoquant “The most suitable exam will never be passed.”

“I think these findings in the apparatus are reminiscent of the trembling of the earth over everyone who ki ont persecutes and devilizes the lekmen accused of being transphobic, but what is most discredited is the hard work of Hilary Cass, which she does not notice. Malhonnête, ce serait également Malveillant »it’s alarmed in the series, it’s heard in a long series of tweets that “Children are blessings of an irreversible image, millions of people and accomplices. They just passed by doctors, but also celebrities in a known language. (…) The consequences of this scandal will become evident in the last decades”.

Now you need to read three more words to understand JK Rowling’s celebrities. An Internet user actually commented on tweets about the affair, indicating that instead of the British one, he would hear public justifications for “Dan and Emma.”

And the answer is not the last one to answer: “Ne soyez assuré de rien, j’en ai peur, at-elle tweeté. Celebrities who are rallying behind a movement that is helping but dismantling women’s rights for a long time, and they are using plate forms to encourage transitions that can serve as excuses for transitioning people, traumatized people, and for these purposes. Vulnerable women are exposed to mixed public spaces. De quoi couper court à tout espoir de rabibochage entre les deux parties. At this point, even the two actors in this scene attack live.

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