I’m a Heart Surgeon and This Food Has More Fiber Than the Kiwi I Eat Every Day: Spain Ignores It

Feeling fatigue or fatigue Today it is one of the most common symptoms seen in primary care settings and has given rise to many syndromes with no clear origin. We are talking about chronic fatigue, vital exhaustion, and even the well-known “Zoom fatigue.” The Covid-19 pandemic has spread some of these symptoms, but the reality is that they are related to certain lifestyle habits.

In this aspect Stephen R. Gundrycardiothoracic surgeon and author of books such as Energy paradoxexplains that one of the fundamental reasons for the “energy crisis” we are currently experiencing is due to gut microbiome and the lack of its interaction with other cells. And the basis of this change will be fiber deficiency This causes the so-called Western diet.

Let’s remember what fiber is indigestible part foods rich complex carbohydratesincluding famous resistant starch and other indigestible sugars. They can be used by the gut microbiome as “fuel” to perform a variety of functions.

“The small intestine has enzymes that can digest simple starches, but it lacks enzymes that can break down resistant starches, tightly bound sugar molecules, or intact cell membranes,” Gundry explains. “Therefore, this fiber is not useful at that level.”

Remember that consuming “indigestible” carbohydrates slows down the transit of other foods and maintains a gradual and continuous absorption of simple sugars, which prevents blood sugar spikes. Meanwhile, the fiber will remain intact until the large intestine. A certain subset, i.e. Soluble fiberwill eventually end up in the microbiome.

The billions of bacteria in the large intestine depend on this soluble fiber, which is present in prebiotic products. They can also nourish cells and perform extraintestinal communication functions, which in turn suggests anti-inflammatory functionsTherefore, without fiber, inflammation increases and the feeling of exhaustion persists.

What’s worse, when you’re exhausted, you’re more likely to look for foods that are low in fiber and rich in saturated fats and free sugars. We’re talking about over-processed foods, which in turn perpetuates the cycle of energy poverty. These foods are absorbed almost immediately in the small intestine, contributing to weight gain and fatigue.

How to Eat More Fiber

Knowing all this, Gundry advises Gradually add foods rich in prebiotic fiber to your diet.to increase your fiber intake without stomach or gastrointestinal upset. An average intake of 25 to 40 grams of fiber per day is recommended, but it is not recommended to make drastic changes to the diet directly, but rather gradually.

Some of products recommended by a specialist These include flax seeds (up to 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon), sweet potatoes, sauerkraut, asparagus, chicory root, broccoli or artichokes. But among their preferences, a little-known food in our country stands out: okra.

Okra is a green vegetable native to Africa that is gaining popularity for its ability to regulate cholesterol levels and relieve fatigue. Its shape is very similar to that of a pepper. It is also known as okra or kibombo..

Its cholesterol benefits are due to its rich in soluble fiberwhich binds to cholesterol and promotes its elimination. In addition, some studies show that okra can also prevent the absorption of fats at the intestinal level. At the same time, for every 100 grams of okra there are 3 grams of fiber and only 33 kcal.

Finally, given his rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidantsEspecially highlighting its richness in iron, okra consumption may also be associated with improvements in symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

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