I’m a neurologist and these are the 6 things I do every day to live longer: they are ignored in Spain

In a world where an aging population and the rise of cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease are becoming increasingly serious problems, preserving memory and maintaining mental acuity has become a vital priority. With basic daily habits and a diet rich in specific nutrients, it is possible significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Robert Friedland, neuroscientist at the University of Louisville, USA, and author Ageless: Four Factors That Affect How We Age (Agelessness: Four Factors That Affect How You Age), opened up in front of Daily mail science-based approach to maintain cognitive health. With basic daily habits and a diet rich in certain nutrients, you can significantly reduce your risk of cognitive decline.

From prioritizing fiber in your diet to daily meditation, each of these habits plays a critical role in building a strong and resilient mind. In fact, various studies, such as one published in JAMA Internal Medicine, support this same information, linking meditation to measurable reductions in stress and related health problems.

Practice meditation

Instead of turning on the TV or reading the newspaper, start your day with a meditation session. significant mental health benefitswhich allows for greater concentration and reduced daily stress. He also argues that taking care of your oral hygiene is equally important in preventing cognitive decline.

Practice mindfulness meditation 30 minutes every daypreferably in the morning. According to a systematic review, it may counteract age-related cognitive decline. Not only does this habit improve mental well-being, but it may also have physical benefits, such as lower blood pressure and a better immune system.

Maintain good oral hygiene

Scientific evidence, such as studies published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Societyassumes that Good oral health may be a crucial factor in protecting the brain against diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of bacteria in the mouth, if not properly controlled, can contribute to inflammation and other problems that can negatively impact cognitive function, thereby demonstrating a direct link between oral health and brain health.

Various studies also show that Regular brushing and flossing not only prevents tooth decay and gum disease, but may also improve cognitive function. Tooth loss and gum disease are associated with a shrinkage of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene can play an important role in preventing cognitive decline.

Give preference to fiber in your diet

One of the most notable habits that Friedland promotes is Priority of fiber in the diet. He says plant fiber is an important component for brain health. That’s because fiber, which 95 percent of Americans don’t consume enough of, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has anti-inflammatory properties that benefit the brain and also protect the heart, a group of scientists published in Lancet.

Chronic inflammation is a direct cause of cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia. Therefore, fiber-rich foods such as spinach, okra, carrots, avocado, oats and broccolinot only improve digestive health, but also create a favorable environment for gut microbiota, which is closely linked to brain health.

Avoid processed foods and meats

In terms of diet, this neurologist also recommends avoiding processed foods and meats such as chicken, pork and beef, which lack fiber and provide little nutrition to the human body. significant benefits for the gut microbiota. He suggests replacing these foods with fiber-rich vegetables, which provide essential nutrients and promote a healthy microbiome. A habit highlighted in various studies, such as those published in Host cell and microbeIf you want to include meat in your diet, it is preferable to choose fatty fish such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known for their positive effects on brain health.

Social interaction

The importance of social interaction lies in another fundamental pillar of Friedland’s program. Participating in meaningful social activities, such as hiking, tennis, or just hanging out with friends, is crucial to keeping your brain active and healthy. Numerous studies have shown that social isolation and loneliness are significant risk factors for cognitive decline in older adults. Not only does it improve attention and memory, but it also strengthens neural networkswhich promotes greater cognitive resilience.

This expert also emphasizes the benefits of spending time outdoors. Link these benefits to the evolution of our ancestors who lived in the natural environment. Studies like the one published in Psychological science they assume that Communication with nature improves memory, cognitive flexibility and attention. Getting outdoors can be a great way to combine socializing and exercise, two activities that are good for both mental and physical health. Exposure to nature is associated with improved overall well-being and greater life satisfaction.

Sleep at least eight hours

The neurologist also stresses the importance of getting at least eight hours of sleep each night to keep the brain in good condition. Sleep is essential for forming memories and processing new information, as they also publish The scienceSleep deprivation can lead to accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in neurons that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Good sleep not only improves memory and learning, but also promotes brain plasticity, allowing it to better adapt to new experiences and situations.

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