“I’m not Rihanna and Beyoncé… I’m not in contact with the Olympic Games,” a big coup for David Guetta from Chambord

Which artist will stage the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? The suspens is a paroxysm deprived of more than my share. For now, on what day David Guetta was not among the guests.Le DJ essentially put you in silence for hours.

This event celebrates a concert at the Château de Chambord in honor of Jessica Ledon’s companion. part of the fact is misunderstanding. Although France is planning a big international party, it seems to be a success for the organizers of the opening ceremony of JO de Paris.

I questioned an AFP correspondent and the famous DJ was disappointed. “If you ever answer it, you will give it to me. It seems mine I don’t want it all to include, he announced this with amertum. Alors qu’il cartonne dans le monde entier with his son the last lonely I do not want to waitin collaboration with the group OneRepublic, says David Guetta Legal representative: son pays.

“At the global level, every day I have between the 4th and 15th artist, the most popular in the world, with a DJ, an artist”at-it is with fire. I love Rihanna and Beyoncé… If you give me an idea, Beyoncé did it 40 or 50 years ago. More man I can’t appeal. » at-least.

“How is that!” “This is sad David Guetta

Before returning to the stage with another 30,000 people in attendance, Père du Petit Cyan was a fact of partial disappointment. « I love France and I adore France. »at-it declared. “How is that!” “I imagine the artist with fatalism.

Plus big names are expected to attend the grand ceremony of the overturn of July 26. Rumors reveal the presence of the Aya Nakamura and Celine Dion meme. More mysteries remain and Seules quelques personnes sont dans la trust.

An exceptional show for the Olympic Games

To see the 2024 Olympics, a 3-hour, 45-minute spectacle, Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the ceremony, understands « Kasser-les-Codes“. What surprises billions of TV viewers who want to see the show? Il ambitious man reserved for the public « the greatest spectacle in the world« .

It’s a pity that Thomas Jolly I created a surprise I invite you to entrust the responsibility for the stage costumes to Dafne Bürki, perhaps she will be present at the pleasant revelations. The secret will be revealed in the next few weeks directly from the world.

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