Important laser fusion experiment reaches important milestone in energy production

On December 5, 2022, a team of scientists created a laser fusion reaction, producing more energy than it consumesThus a historic achievement was achieved.

The experiment generated 3.15 megajoules of energy, which is more than the 2.05 megajoules invested in its construction. So the reaction produced about 1.5 times more energy.

Today, more than a year after the incident, and after a series of articles detailing its experimental design and results, The horrors of the experiment were witnessed Done at NIF (National Ignition Facility) installation.

According to one of the articles written by members of Indirect Drive ICF (Inertial Confinement Fusion), The achievement “is the culmination of more than five decades of research and demonstrates that laboratory fusion is possible based on the fundamental principles of physics.”

But what is nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is the mixing of two or more atoms to form a larger atom and release energy in the process. If this is taken advantage of Represents an inexhaustible and abundant source of clean energy,

Implications of the experiment and its possible uses

In the case of these small-scale experiments, the fusion of atoms depends on heat, and in the case of this specific fusion technique, That heat is released in a powerful burst of light.

These experiments involved bombarding a capsule with 220 micrograms of deuterium and tritium fuel with 192 high-power lasers. This increases the pressure to 600 billion atmospheres and the temperature to 151 million Celsius.

Articles (yes, articles. Because five were written) He explained in detail how the experiment was successfulThat included increasing the laser energy and the amount of fuel used, as well as eliminating defects in the capsule and refining the fuel mixture.

this achievement Ushered in a new era of fusion researchLast year scientists conducted many experiments.

One, done in mid-2023, Has emerged as the best performance till dateProduces only 2.05 to 3.88 megajoules of energy, producing 1.9 times more energy.

About, 500 billion watts are used to power the lasers in these experiments., more than the electricity produced by the United States. Despite this, nuclear physicist Martin Freer of the University of Birmingham is optimistic.

The physicist admitted, “There is a possibility that we will have fusion, but scientifically the challenges we face are enormous.”

It is also worth noting that scientists claim that Nuclear fusion is not an immediate solution to the climate crisisDespite their promises of clean energy.

Five studies were published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

  • Study here first.
  • Second study here.
  • Third study here.
  • Fourth study here.
  • Fifth study here.

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