In France the far right has risen to 37% in voting intentions and the left remains in second place

The French extreme right, which presents itself under the names National Rally (RN) and Jordan Berdella As head of the list, he leads in voting intentions and He may get 37% votes In the first round of the legislative election, which will take place next Sunday. According to the results obtained by the opinion polling institute OpinionWay, this represents two percentage points more than the results of the survey published on the 21st.

In second place, the New Popular Front – the coalition that brings together the four main candidates of the left: France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and The Ecologist – will achieve 28% votesthe same percentage that was attributed to it a week earlier. In fact, this coalition was created and presented as a faction stand on the far right and collaborate closely with social movements and their bases.

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For return.

In third place in terms of voting intention is the Together for the Republic coalition, which supports Emmanuel Macron that, after defeating the far right Marine Le Pen This time he will have to settle for the second round of the 2022 presidential election 20%Which is one point less in almost a week.

The traditional right-wing Republicans (LR) party will suffer more from Macron Eric Ciotti As a candidate, what will you get? 6% votes. According to him, the party has already announced that it will join Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) to take on the left and Macron.

These polls are also expected to see a significant increase in participation amid forecasts. 60% of people say they are “very confident” about voting; meanwhile, another 11% are “seriously thinking” about voting. According to the survey, at best, Voter turnout may exceed 80% of the population.

Estimates according to the survey

The second round electoral system involves all candidates who wish to present themselves meeting certain requirements. With candidacies on the table, The first round of the election is held Where, if a party or coalition wins an absolute majority – more than 50% of the vote – a second round will not be necessary. If this does not happen, the first and second will face off in a second round.

In the French case, an absolute majority is achieved with at least 289 of the 577 seats at stake. According to this latest OpinionWay survey, The National Group will get around 220 seatsWhich will be added to the more than 30 that Los Republicans will receive.

Macron suffers setback after European elections

The French elections this Sunday are being celebrated early, after Macron surprised them with the news in the middle of election day for the European Parliament. After all, in these elections The French extreme right prevails -and doubled the votes- for the centrist formation of the current French president.

Whatever happens in the first round this Sunday and, if it happens, in the second round on July 7, Macron will remain head of state. The dispute now is over who will take over the position Gabriel AttalCurrent Prime Minister.

According to the survey, these are the main concerns of French citizens Purchasing power (66% mention this)This is followed by price rise (52%), social security (49%), safety (49%) and immigration (42%).

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