in Spain we do not comply

The end of the day is approaching, and with it the last meal – dinner. Except for special occasions, such as going out to a restaurant or celebrating a birthday, we usually have dinner at home. We tend to get tired, we don’t want it cook, otherwise we don’t have time, and we’ll probably run out eat something pre-cooked or quick impulsively.

For those who feel identified with this, it is important to keep in mind that dinners containing ultra-processed or strong foods, in addition to being hearty, will negatively affects our health more than we think. Another factor to consider is the time at which we eat dinner, as eating dinner too late can also harm our body in both the short and long term.

Considering that Spain is among the countries where dinner is held later, on average after nine in the evening, it would be useful for us to reconsider our customs and ways of eating. He signs up for all this andDr. Walter LongoA leading longevity researcher, Italian-American biogerontologist and cell biologist.

He is also director of the Laboratory of Longevity and Cancer at the prestigious Institute of Molecular Oncology IFOM in Milan and has a long career during which he studied Factors that contribute to longevity, hope and quality of lifeone of them has a lot to do with dinner.

What to eat for dinner and how to live longer

In particular, Longo points out that one of his most important discoveries is that you should not have a heavy or heavy dinner. This is because a dinner with these characteristics can disrupt the body’s natural rhythms and impair digestion and metabolism. Instead, Longo warns that eat light foods as part of a balanced diet supplement the rest of the day with nutritious and soft foods that ease digestion and help us sleep better.

Based on one of Longo’s books, “The Longevity Diet. To live a healthy life until you are 110, eat well, some foods you should The limitation is the so-called “5 poisonous Ps”.: Pizza, pasta, animal proteins (especially those rich in fat), potatoes and bread.

Another factor that will give us better health and longevity in the long run is have lunch earlywithout doing it too close to the time we go to bed. In addition to this, you can add one of Longo’s most common tips: distribute meals according to “fasting” for 12 hours every daysomething that can be done, for example, between dinner and breakfast, so it is important to have dinner early.

Benefits of fasting for 12 hours

With this type of fasting, you help regulate your blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity and, in the long term, improve your health and life expectancy. The strategy of eating for 12 hours and fasting for the remaining 12 hours is based on numerous scientific studies, such as those published in the National Library of Medicine and developed at Louisiana State University.

Fasting for 12 hours has been shown to participants’ ability to switch from burning carbohydrates to burning fat improved, what they call metabolic flexibility. By measuring calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins burned, they noticed that those who followed the aidono system had a slower metabolism, which could affect life expectancy.

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