In the Senate, opposition to challenge Miley veto is close to two-thirds

The minority in which the ruling party finds itself in the Congress is becoming increasingly clear. The government, surrounded by both a friendly opposition and the most recalcitrant, suffered a serious setback last night in the House of Deputies, where by more than two-thirds of those present (162 affirmative votes, 72 against and eight absent) it obtained half of the project it was seeking. An approval. The revaluation of retirement assets. Now the initiative will turn to Senatewhere it is exempted that it shall have green light and even There is speculation that the final approval will be printed by another special majority The President’s veto has already been announced.

“I leave this tweet for you so that it is clear to everyone: I am not going to provide fiscal balance in any way. I will defend the box with a pure veto if necessary,” he wrote. Xavier Miley On his account of X after half the approval of the lower house. There the President recalled his speech Argentine Institute of Finance Executives (IAEF) last month, where he assured that he would veto any legislation passed by Congress that could harm the government’s economic program, the focus was on Zero loss.

There are, however, limits to the presidential veto. The national constitution defines that if the president decides to reject the law, Each chamber can also insist on its own approval if it manages to gather two-thirds of the members present to do so..Although a majority is difficult to achieve, the Deputies have already achieved it and the outlook for the ruling party in the Senate is even more unfavorable.

“The 33 of us are determined to vote for whatever comes from the deputies,” said a senator from the Unión por la Patria (UP). Nation.With this basis of guarantee, Kirchnerism is only 15 wills away from reaching the magic number of 48 (out of 72 senators, if all were present) and saving the project.

In fact, the fundamentalism that pushed the project through the lower house is the impediment 13 members. There, leaders who are committed to the libertarian project coexist with others who show an aversion to the ideas of the ruling party. Nevertheless, Retirement discussions may finally bring its members together. The same was the case with their fellow representatives, who voted unanimously in favor of the project for the first time this year. Even those who answer to governors Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Leandro Zadero (Chaco), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe) And Carlos Sadir (Jujuy). Although provincial leaders called for “not to be obstructionists” in the treatment of the Bases Law and the fiscal package, a new agenda in Congress discovered a less modest side.

Senator and Chairman of the National Committee, Martin Loustauthis Wednesday in X congratulated the delegates who supported the retirement reform. With a message for his own troops, he pointed out that it is “a way to compensate the income of those who are suffering the most against adjustments and inflation,” and added: “I hope we senators will vote with the same conviction.”

As far as he could know NationIt is likely that Three members of the federal unit, Carlos Mauricio Espinola (present), Edgardo Cuider (Entre Ríos) and alejandra vigo (Córdoba) also supports the initiative, although no one has officially confirmed it. This is indicated by the fact that four representatives, linked to the governor of Córdoba, Martin Lariorahave come up with the proposal. This is what happened with two residents of Santa Cruz – Sergio Acevedo and José Luis Garrido – who responded to the provincial leader, Claudio Vidal. close to senators Jose Carambia And natalia gaidanoFrom the Por Santa Cruz bloc, advanced the viability of its affirmative vote.

The main unknown is with the six-member Pro, where the pension issue puts them in a trap. The elderly represent its strongest electoral basebut their defections could shatter the carefully maintained harmony with the government. This discomfort was reflected in the details of the vote in the Deputies, which showed 16 absences, seven were from pro representatives. among others, the lack of Silvia Lospennato And Maria Eugenia Vidal,

The same situation was replicated in the Chubut legislators with specific terminals with the provincial president, Ignacio Torres. too much Ana Clara Romero As Jorge Avila He was absent during the general vote on the project. In the Senate, andrea christina And Edith Terenzi They too can adopt the same attitude, which will reduce the government’s chances of avoiding defeat. In the Upper House, abstentions are not counted as valid votes. Thus, Absenteeism would enable the opposition to secure two-thirds of the votes present with fewer votes.,

With the Aadhaar law and fiscal package still under discussion, the proceeds of the initiative revaluing retirement assets could act as a new converse apparel with Casa Rosada. Although the ruling party does not currently have the votes to reject the project, It is likely that he will try to delay the discussion, and even try to make changes to the project coming from the deputies. This scenario would force a review by the Chamber of Origin and postpone its final approval.

The text that received half the approval in the deputies seeks to restore pensions to 8% due to the effects of inflation last January. In addition, it contemplates a redesign of the salary update formula that combines the inflation index (CPI) with the salary variable (RIPTE).

Defines the monthly adjustment for inflation and includes a section for its implementation Additional enhancements every year in march As per Rippey Salary Index. If this indicator is higher than the CPI, an increase equal to 50% of the difference will be transferred to benefits. If this difference is not positive, no adjustment will be applied and the next year’s calculation will be based on the last index used.

The initiative also sets a limit for minimum retirement assets, which should not be less than the value of the basic basket for the elderly, which is currently $250,286 per month. Kirchnerism and dialogueists set the value of 1.09 basic baskets as a parameter.

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